Chapter 1 - Taryn

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I stand at the front of the crowd and get a full view of them lowering Ari's coffin into the ground. I know this is the last time I'll get to see her, even though she's inside a coffin, so I pay close attention.

Wanting to see her one last time, I almost ask the men prepared to bury her if I can open the coffin and see her face again. They would comply; they always do.

No one dares defy the princess.

They would remove the lid and I'd peer inside, taking in her shiny blonde hair and spring green eyes one last time. She was pretty. She still is. She was prettier than I am by far with her beautifully sculpted nose and full lips. When she smiled her face lit up the room. Now I'll never see her smile again. I won't get to see her face light up or hear her chastising tone. And I know it's a selfish reason to miss her, but I miss that she was always protecting me.

Now I'm on my own. Not that my younger brothers Ben and Robert won't help, or even 12 year old Christina. They'll all comfort me and help me move past my sister's death, but none of them can prepare me for what comes in 3 years as I'm crowned as queen of Aqua, the kingdom my parents, Samantha and Andrew Young, now rule.

I let a single tear trace a path down my cheek.

Turning around to face my family, my mother envelopes me in a hug. I stay in her arms while they lay her body in the ground and press my eyes closed. After she's in the ground and buried and all of my family has thrown a handful of dirt on her coffin, my mom releases me and goes to stand beside dad at the podium to say a speech.

In my ears their words are muffled. My eyes have tunnel vision right now any the only thing they see is her gravestone which reads:

Ariana Young
Beloved Princess, Daughter and Sister

I tune in at the end of their speech to hear my father announcing, "Ariana Young, Princess of Aqua, 17 years old, and my beloved daughter, may you rest in peace. And may Taryn, my next oldest, take her position as future queen with strength and determination to lead our people."

An over enthusiastic amount of applause surrounds me but I don't join in; I can't find the energy to. Besides, it's not like there's any reason to; why would I want to applaud death, especially the death of my sister?

She was the strong one. She was the one who was brave enough to instigate training lessons with Matthew behind our parent's backs; I just went along with it.

The funeral now over, my family and I take our seats in the limousine while everyone else rushes to catch the 7 o'clock train home.

I sit in my usual seat beside the left window in the very back and my mother takes the place where Ariana once sat beside me.

Silently my mother traces circles around my back while I stare out the window.

This kingdom that I'm looking at will be mine soon. In three years I will be eighteen and the queen of Aqua.


The next day I wake and am dressed in a blue spaghetti strap shirt with blue jeans as it's Sunday, my allowed-to-dress-casual day. My maid Poppy does my hair in curls and brings me blue flats to match my shirt which I slip on immediately.

Once I am dressed and my hair and makeup has been done Poppy releases me to go to breakfast. I had requested to eat my meal in my room, but I was denied. This must mean father has something of importance to say this morning.

When I arrive at the table I begin to take my usual seat. Before I can sit down however, my father clears his throat and says to me, "Taryn, would you please take the seat next to mine today?"

I look at the seat in question and it nearly brings tears to my eyes to know that the seat I will now take belonged to my sister.

Not wanting to sit in her spot, I still comply. I nod my head for I know that if I refuse my father there will be repercussions.

My mother sits on the other side of my father and gives me a sympathetic smile.

Once I'm seated I take a look at the faces of the rest of my family members.

Dad seems to be putting on a brave face though I can tell he is sad on the inside. Mom's head is lowered so I can't see her eyes although I know they must be filled with tears that haven't yet fallen.

Ben is staring at his plate in shock. Ari and Ben fought a lot, but that doesn't mean they didn't love each other. Often those who fight most often have the strongest bonds. My father taught me that.

Robert is playing with his food but doesn't seem like he'll be eating any anytime soon while eleven year old Christina is trying her best not to cry.

I, on the other hand, don't feel like crying. I loved my sister yet I can't seem to weep for her. Instead, everything seems surreal. It's as though I'm floating through life and passing it by.

Clearing his throat my father announces, "Taryn, you have a date this afternoon."

I drop my fork and turn my head to face my father, "What?" I exclaim.

"You have a date."

"Yes, I heard you," I say, unable to believe my dad would set up a date for me the day after my sister's funeral, "But why now? Who is so important that he cannot wait a day or two to see me?"

"Lucas Revlin," my mother says, "Is a very talented and handsome young man who I'm sure would be happy to wait a day or two for you to grieve."

"Lucas Revlin?" I repeat, unable to believe they would try and set me up with him, "No way," I say.

Lucas is a boy from the south who became rich after moving north from selling his invention of a machine which turns any water into clean air. He's four years older than I am but that doesn't matter to my parents. The south has been in a rebellious state the past couple of years and my father believes that if I marry a southerner that will bring peace to the south for a little while if not forever.

Just a few weeks ago my parents were trying to convince Ari that Lucas was a suitable man and that she should give him another chance after their first date went disastrously wrong. Now they're trying to convince me also. According to my sister he's a terrible jerk who thinks everyone is beneath him. I don't intend to marry a man like that.

"He's not that bad," My mother says in another attempt to convince me.

"I think I'm going to take a walk." I say as I wipe my mouth and get up from my chair.

Author's Note

Hello! The picture you saw at the beginning is of Madeline Carol who I casted for Taryn/Wrin :)

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