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So I need help with trying to hangout with my crush. More because after my friend told him I liked him we don't talk only a little is there anyway I could hang out with him more or at least talk to him

Well since he knows i think just lay back a bit don't come on to strong.  He problary needs time understanding what's going on around him, give him a while but just start off small like "hey" or "how are you".

Jasmine I was wondering lately why don't people look at me the same way when my dad asked my teacher to marry him

Well they might think you are going to get special treatment better grades, but don't let them think that.  She should have known before she said yes to him that people would think that about you.

Hey why do people call you jasminejt is there something behind it or something because my username is odd and people make fun of mine so how did you come up with yours

Well Jasmine is my dogs name and she is my best friend and she has cancer so I want to always remember her.  And well nothing really for the jt it's my cousins name.  But I have clue why.  They might be jealous of you coming up with something unique and cool

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