Part 3: Chapter 8

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Naomi POV

I woke up and felt Derrick's hands on my stomach. His body was basically all over mine and this man refused to put on the AC. I really didn't understand why he constantly messed with my body pillow and then think that it would be okay to take over the bed. As I made my way to the bathroom I saw that my phone kept on going off. I knew that it either had to be Tyra or Annika. These two had been driving me crazy since I told them that I wanted to have a baby shower. After peeing for what felt like the 100th time during the early morning I heard a lot of noise coming from downstairs and knew that it had to be Kaiyah. I had been forced to somewhat let her stay in my house until she could get her feet on the ground but she was giving me a run for my money.

Me, "Kai come on, it's to early for all of this noise. why are your friends all out on my couch like that?"

Kaiyah, "Nai what are you talking about? It's like almost mid-day and these people are here because if I'm not mistaken you are having a baby shower later tonight"

Me, "What are you talkin about? I set my alarm for like 8, where is Annika?"

Kaiyah, "Look I'm just playing around. You know Annika wouldn't allow you to miss your baby shower. Neither would momma"

Me,"look Kaiyah I know that you're young and trying to find your purpose in life but you also need to realize that this isn't your house. I live here and Derrick lives here too. We can't constantly keep talking to you about the noise and partying that goes in here. When the baby comes we can't have that around"

Kaiyah. "out of all people in our family you should be the one that understands me the most. Now I know that you are trying to help me out but all these pity speeches aren't what I'm looking for. If I'm such a big hassle then maybe I should just leave today. I don't want to be the burden on your shoulders always constantly getting on your back"

Me,"i totally understand where you're coming from but I can't just hide you away in the house and let you do anything you want. I'm going to be having people in the house that I can trust and want around my baby. Your friends aren't the types of people that I want to have around my newborn child"

Kaiyah,"i really don't understand why you are being so hard on me? I'm the youngest child in the family"

Me, "is that supposed to mean something to me? I know, mommy and daddy are coming here this weekend so you need to figure things out before they stay making decisions for you"

Kaiyah, "look let me just stay here until the baby shower. I just need to save up some money before I make any decisions"

Me, "okay but don't have your friends all over the house. and make sure that they clean up after themselves. I don't want to have to pay for extra cleaning"


Annika POV

I woke up with a raging headache and someone next to me. I nearly jumped out of the bed but then I remembered that I Jeff hint out to dinner with Andrew. But then as I started to get out of the bed I noticed all these tattoos. Andrew didn't gave any tattoos, so who was this in my bed? As I was about to pull the sheets off of the bed, the mystery man turned around and I nearly died when I saw who it was. before I had time to say anything the phone started to ring and it was my mother. I knew that this had to be important because she would never call me this early in the day.

Me, "hey momma, what's going on? "

Momma, "listen I just got off of the phone with the lady company and they said that they overbooked and they don't think that we can have the place that we wanted. What are we going to do? "

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