The Unforgettable Party

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"Hey"Mikey said as Vinny approached, "how's the life of a high school basketball stars and a man destined for a full scholarship to NYU?" "Pretty good actually where are the guys that party we planned is going to be off the chain!"Just then Jason, Louis and Nick show up.

Mikey: "where's Madison, Thomas and Julian?"

Nick: They went to get the keg and snacks .

Vinny :They better hurry the ladies are arriving.

After a few minutes later Mix, Brit, and Keyana show up

Keyana: Hey Babe!

(Vinny is Keyana boyfriend, they kiss)

Vinny: Hey baby ready to party

Keyana: with you baby I'll do ANYTHING!

Then Madison , Thomas, andJulian show up.

Julian:aww come on enough of the lovey stuff Vinny!

Vinny :Ur just jealous

Mix hugs Mikey(he's her boyfriend)

Mikey:I missed you

Mix :Missed you too now let's party!

As the hours go by the boys and all their party guests start drinking very heavily

Britt:Slow down honey Ur going to get sick

Nick:no I'm not chill

After 12:00 hits they start playing truth or dare

Vinny: I dare Thomas to try driving by the police without getting pulled over

Thomas :ok

Keyana: Thomas don't do it something bad is going to happen

Thomas :take care of ur boyfriend and don't worry about me


Everyone starts rushing to their cars to see Thomas' plan in action

Just as Thomas gets by the old bridge he slips on the wet road and swerves left right off the old bridge.Everyone gasps in shock! "Thomas!" They call the police and 1 hour later Thomas body is found lifeless and limp. EMTs rush to him to try and revive him but it's too late:( The boys were banned from their best friend funeral because Thomas's family believed that it was the boys fault for getting Thomas killed

So that night the boys lost their best dancer ,a friend and their driving privileges.

( Hey guys if you like the story comment and ill write another

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2016 ⏰

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