Chapter 1

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Hey guys here is where the story begins. Enjoy!!

Your POV

I woke up to the sound of my alarm blasting through my ears. I lazily shut it off and layed back in bed. It was early in the morning and the first day to my new school. I sighed. Why am I entering a new school,well that's a long story actually.

"WAKE (Y/n) ITS TIME FOR YOUR FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!" I heard my loud brother scream out. Well maybe the story can wait for a while since I need to get up now. I yelled back "I'LL BE READY IN A FEW MINUTES!"

"You better hurry up (Y/n) or else you gonna be late for your first day to your new school." my brother, Bambam, said. I heard him going around the house possibly getting his stuff and cleaning a little.

My brother Bambam might be loud and annoying but I love him regardless. He's always been there for me whenever I am upset or if something goes wrong at school which is constantly with my power. Ahh yes here is the weird part even though we are siblings he doesn't posses the power that I have which is kind of weird if you ask me. He understood the fact I had a special power but he still treats me the same way as before when I never knew about my powers.

I slowly got out of bed and did my daily routine. I put on my uniform and put some light makeup. Hey its best to look a bit presentable in my new school even though I don't want anyone to get close to me. I took a second look in the mirror and told myself "I hope this school will be different than all the others and maybe last a bit longer as well without anyone finding out."

"Hurry up or we're gonna be late." Bambam yelled out again. "I'm coming, just wait for me at the door or go start the car." I replied, rushing down stairs, grabbing an apple, and ran to the door.

I rushed into his car and drove off to school. Throughout half of the car ride it was silent. I was on my phone looking to see if anything is going on or something to distract me. Bambam then noticed me into my phone he immediately knew what was going on with me.

"Hey, don't look so down. I have a feeling this school is gonna be perfect and different. So give me a big smile" he said trying comfort me. I sighed a little and then I turned around to look at him once I turned off my phone. "Alright oppa. I'll do my best to stay happy and make the most out of this new school." I giggled as I gave him a small smile and side hug while he was driving.

"By the way," I pulled away and looked straight at him, "this time try to make some friends. Alright?" He playfully glared. "I can't make any promises." I whispered while keeping my eyes out the car window. I honestly hope that I don't get to close to anyone on the first day especially with who I am. I silently looked at my hands then I looked out the car window once again.

~Time Skip~

Once we arrived at the school I got off and many students noticed me while they were entering the school. "I'll meet you up inside the school. Alright? i just need to go park." Bambam told me through the car window. I nodded silently and moved away from the car. He went off to the parking space that was all the way to the other side of the school. I sighed and started to walk into the school. I was walking to the office to get my schedule and locker code but on my way I heard many whispers of people around me while I was walking towards the office.

"Wow she's really pretty!" "I wonder if I ask her out she'll accept to go out with me?" " Why are you staring at her I'm your girlfriend?!" " I bet she loves the attention she's getting." " Come on be nice to her. It must be her first day here."

I kept walking with my head held high ignoring all the side comments from the students and went straight to the office. "Aish, I wish Bambam was right here with me." I thought to myself while heading towards the office. Once I got to the office I meet a nice lady, she gave me my schedule and locker number with the combination. She welcomed me to the school and I thanked her.

I walked out of the office, found my locker and started to put all my things in it. As I was going to close my locker I was pushed into it by a bunch of screaming girls behind me.

A girl with a bitchy face yelled at me "Watch where your going bitch!" I stayed quiet and turned around to start walking to my new class not caring why the girls were screaming.

As I walked in, the bell had just rung for class to start. As everyone took there seats, I stood at the front of the class and waited for the teacher to introduce me to the class. I got many stares and glares from the girls for some reason. And the boys as well?

"Well that's weird" I thought to myself. Until I noticed all but one of the boys ,that was not glaring at me,caught my eye.

I saw him smirking and staring at me from head to toe. "Great a playboy. Gross. Just gross." I thought to myself as I let out a heavy sigh.I stood in the front of the class and saw the teacher walk in as her heels clicked on the wooden floor.

"Good morning class, today we have a new student in our class she was born in America but lives here in Korea" she said with a bright smile. "Go ahead and introduces yourself." She continued.

"Hello my name is (Y/n) Bhuwakul I'm from America and I speak three languages. Please take care of me" I said looking towards my classmates but then looked out the window.

"Ok miss Bhuwakul please take a seat next to Jungkook. Jungkook please raise your hand." the teacher said.The guy raises his hand with a wide smile on his face and I noticed that it was the same guy staring at me. 'Great I'm gonna be sitting next to the playboy of the whole school I'm betting hence all the glares that the girls are giving me.' I thought to myself. While I walked towards my seat next to Jungkook I saw every single girl within the class were giving me glares.

"Well I was right the girls hate me for sitting next to the playboy. Great way to start the first day of school." I thought once I sat down in my seat and sighed.

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