Kicking Rocks

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Matthew Lee Espinosa; noun; a person who's perosnality could end war, and his smile could cure all deases.

Chanel Ray; noun; a girl who's helplessly in love with Matthew Lee Espinosa.

"I was in love with him. That was it, I was out for the count. Everything appeared to make sense, like why the sky was blue and why people adored minor acts from a major someone. The answer was clear, I was utterly in love with Matthew Lee Espinosa. I was in love with the way his hair fell into place on his forhead, the way he read aloud to himself in the sofest tone known to man. I adored the way his comedic personality would make it's way into a serious conversation and magically make everything appear to be better. I love him, so much ." - Kicking Rocks

They say love blinds you, causes stupidity to rise in the smartest of mind, and destorys any fliter that the mind may hold. Oh god, were they all true, so very very true.

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