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Staring down into that hole, I desperately want someone to hit me or douse me with cold water; anything to wake up from this nightmare. Just a week ago I wasn't alone in the world. Just a week ago my future was bright and shining. Just a week ago I was holding the most beautiful creature in my arms as I went to sleep. Now I'm cradling a bottle and sleeping by myself on the couch; unshaven, unclean and perpetually drunk. My beloved Marie; my wife, my only friend in life, has departed this earth. Having no other living relatives I turned to alcohol to drown the memories that open and rub salt in the gashes that she left me when she took my heart.

I tip the bottle in my hand over and watch the foaming liquid dissipate into soil. Leaning back against the rough bark of the towering oak tree, my eyes drift upwards to the black sky of the new moon. This tree was where I first got up the courage to ask Marie to date me. We had been at a bonfire for the beginning of summer break. Not being the social butterfly like everyone else, I had walked to the edge of the park and sat down under the tree. She followed me and sat down next to me. All I remember is her shampoo, a green apple, and the warm breeze wrapping us together. Eventually the stars started to fade and we each had to drive our thoroughly soused friends home. Realizing that this would probably be the last time I saw her unless I did something, and while the "audience" was passed out in the backseat, I grabbed Marie by the arms and pulled her behind the tree. She looked up at me with those gorgeous doe brown eyes and arched one eyebrow in suspicion. Before a word could come past her lips, I leaned over and sealed my lips on hers; gripping her shoulders and pulling her against me. It felt like I had drank more than my friends and only came away with the good buzz. The stars had given way to a dazzling sunrise by the time we broke apart. Then in a rush, I heard my voice asking Marie on a date that night. My brain was on red alert trying to figure out how to stop babbling on and risk looking even more stupid than she must have thought my proposal... We went to dinner that night and laughed the stars to sleep.

Standing up, and brushing some of the autumn foliage off my pants, I walk back to the cabin we had bought on the lake. Opening the door, I reach over and brighten the lamp we kept lit when we were in the area. Marie had liked the glow of the kerosene lamp on nights like tonight. We would pitch sheet tents on the living room floor and play Scrabble well into the night before falling asleep in front of the fire. Often I'd wake up in the middle of the night to find her sprawled across the board with tiles scattered everywhere. A tear runs down my cheek as I see the shade of my former wife laid across the game, hair tangled in an impossibly beautiful mess. A terrible anger grows inside me from the seed of bitterness that has resided in my soul since the funeral. I grab the lamp and hurl it at the banked coals in the fire place. A flame jumped up from the gas and turned into a roaring inferno. I yelled into the heat, blaming everything on God and his so called "plan" for everyone. Falling to my knees and sobbing, I thrust a hand into the flames and scream as the sensitive skin is burned as easily as parchment. Somewhere deep within my soul, I feel words come bubbling up and the fall into the air accompanied by shameful, burning tears.

"A...friend...I would do anything for a friend...a companion."

The pain from my hand must have caused hallucinations because I swear I saw a figure loom towards me and the flame got even higher. The voice that I heard was smooth and silky. The voice of a well-oiled salesman.

"Would you truly do anything for something as mere as companionship? Humans can be so petty. Is this what you want? A friend?"

He sneered and held out a paper with my name on it and the word "Deal" written in red lettering across the top. With no control over my thoughts, I heard myself say,

"All I've ever wanted was a friend..."

Pulling my hand out of the flames and pressing it to the paper the figure took better shape and unfolded a pair of leathery wings from his back. I suppose it was a male...thing...as far as body type is concerned. He lifted my charred hand off the paper, having to peel it off at the end and leaving a bloody and black hand print on it. Grinning horribly, that silky smooth voice slid over me, making my skin crawl.

"I usually don't make the deals with mortals but yours intrigued me. Congratulations, you are now the proud owner of a contract with Satan!"

The last thing I remember was seeing that sickening grin and then, just as suddenly as he had appeared, he vanished; my hand was only slightly burned as if the entire encounter had only taken a couple of minutes, even though I had seen my hand, blackened and bloody with skin falling off in great gobs onto the carpet. I shook my head and stood up from the floor; big mistake. Suddenly the entire world was on a 30 degree tilt and I stumbled backwards almost hitting the couch before the floor suddenly righted itself. Hauling myself up from the cushions I realized that I had a migraine such as never before. I only barely made it to the bathroom before the contents of my stomach made a reappearance. My eyes closed and I pressed my cheek against the cold porcelain of the toilet. Before I lost myself in the haze of pain and alcohol, I could swear I felt Marie's lips press softly against my cheek.

I woke up and peeled my skin from the pattern of the tile, leaving a visible imprint that stretched from my jawline to my forehead. Oh yeah, real attractive. Then again, I wasn't seeing anyone anymore so what the hell did I care? Dragging myself off the floor using the sink and my limited upper body strength, I managed to look at my face in the mirror. I think I scared myself to be honest. Not enough to the point to where I jumped, but I felt my jaw unhinge and just hang loose. Marie would be having a right fit  if she could see the way I looked. Fuck, this was not a pretty sight. Taking a deep breath and unclenching my teeth I reached up and rummaged through the medicine cabinet for the massive bottle of aspirin kept on the middle shelf. Finally managing to grasp it and twist the cap off, I dry swallowed a few capsules and then chased it with cold tap water. It was a little hard to swallow at first but eventually my throat eased up enough to let a few sips go down.

The cool water felt good on my hands. As I let them hang under the steady stream, I took stock of myself physically. Starting from the head and working down; I had a pounding thunderstorm raging behind my eyes, my mouth had some sort of crust from the sudden ejection during last nights "episode", my shoulders and back were cramped from falling asleep on the tile in a most awkward position. Apparently my lower half had been in an almost normal position, which for me is straight out and not bent since I happen to be on the tall side, as neither my hips nor my legs suffered much damage. Bending over the sink, I cupped my hands and slowly brought the puddle of water to my face, allowing it to run over my face and bring its cool relief.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2016 ⏰

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