Don't Leave

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"Goodbyes are not forever, are not the end; it simply means, I'll miss you, until we meet again."

Time barely passed each day, we even had a tiny Christmas celebration in the hospital, of course, I am still mad at him but it's not entirely his fault I didn't know about his leukemia. It was everyone else's as well! As for Cole, I never figured out why he dumped me, but it's okay, he's been long gone from my mind. Also as Jaden slowly goes through chemo, Layne, Roxie, Iyla, Grayson, and I have been visiting him frequently in the past week, even Nadene has, but only when someone else also goes.

School and the SATs were coming up, and I'm hoping I can get into some Ivy League. Iyla is aiming for an art college, Nadene is doing journalism, and Layne already has a scholarship to USC. As for Jaden, Mrs. Beckett has informed him that when Jaden has beaten cancer he will repeat senior year.

It's funny though, Mrs. Beckett has full hope that Jaden will recover, she even used when not if. She doesn't seem to have any doubts that he might die. But of course she has doubts, one night after a long time I spent with Jaden in the hospital, before I left Mrs. Beckett was crying not stop with Mr. Leyson as support. It was heartbreaking to see her like this, maybe because of Jaden dying. She was as helpless as a child, all of us were, only the doctor could do something about him.

Because of the chemotherapy, Jaden has been losing more and more of his hair. He even shaved off the rest of his hair since he said he didn't want to look half bald. So Nadene, Layne, and I were going out to a wig store that Nadene knew of. Jaden told us that he wants a wig that looks like his old hair but he also wants a pale green wig. At the store, Nadene knows the person who was helping us. When they met, they gave each those air cheek kisses. On the walls there was a rainbow of wigs, mostly for girls though, so the lady helping us took us to the back room where the male wigs were.

Layne went onto his phone to facetime Grayson, Iyla, Jaden, and Roxie, "Jaden, which one do want?" He got straight to the question. Layne showed the four of them what was there, and whenever Iyla or Roxie saw something they liked, they started to yell. It was so loud in that tiny room trying to pick out the perfect wig. From the lady's preference, she gave us a wig that looked exactly like Jaden's old hair. Next was to find a colored wig, which was really hard since all of us had different opinions on everything. In the end, Roxie picked a light green wig, like the one Jaden wanted, the only difference was it had glitter. We paid for them and gently wrapped them as a gift. Everyone had to go home, so I had to give Jaden the wigs by myself. But I'll do that tomorrow.

The first thing in the Sunday morning, I was off to the Hospital with Jaden's wigs in a bag, also bringing some chocolate pretzels as a snack. The nurse smiled at me as I entered Jaden's room and I waved back. When I entered Jaden was peacefully reading some book.

"Surprise, surprise!" I greeted him with jazz hands. "Guess what I have for you!"

Jaden laughed at my energy, "Let me guess. Choco pretzels?"

"Iiiincooooorrrrrreeeect!" I announced like those announcers on tv, "Well actually I did bring them, but they are for me." Jaden pouted at me like a toddler, "Fine, you can have some too, but that's not all I got." I pushed the bag of wigs to Jaden's lap, waiting for him to open it. "Wait!" I retrieved the chocolate pretzels before Jaden could open the bag. "Okay now go on."

Jaden pulled out the two wigs and put the green one on, "You know it's not really a surprise since I was technically there when you bought these. But they are better in person."

Now that I see Jaden in the wigs, they do look better on him, "Roxie has good taste, the green brings out your green eyes very well. As expected when she's shopping for her boyfriend."

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