The beginning of something amazing

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My name is Chandler. I'm nothing special. Just another teen boy who doesn't know what to do with his time. Well... I was. This year has been the best year of my life. September 8 2013 was the first day of school on the year that changed me. I walk in my new school. In our school districts we change schools every 2 or 4 years. Anyways, I walk into my new school not knowing what to do. Saying goodbye to my friends so we could go off to class. At the time I had a girlfriend named Sophie. We dated for like 2 months nothing special. I thought I loved her but I really didn't. Wanted her to be in my classes. When I walked into my first period class I saw people I knew and people I haven't seen in my life. I saw some of my close friends from elementary school. Nick and Scott. We'll not much happened. I was watching as people came in. I noticed that Sophie wasn't in that class. As I saw people walk in. There was this girl named Emmalyn Danielle Thomas. She was so beautiful like "holy fucking shit, this girl is the answers to my prayers". That beautiful. Sophie was off of my mind at that time. I had to force myself to stop looking. I couldn't though. She was so beautiful. Well the bell rang and we stood for the pleadge of allegiance. I didn't listen during class I usually don't. The bell rang for second period. Lucky for me, she was in my class again. I was flipping out in my head. I knew she would never like me. So we went through the basics of class. The bad part was I couldn't stare at her because she was behind me. Then the bell rang again. She was also in my 3rd period class. The day got better as I got through it. Still no sign of Sophie though. My stomach hurt all day because I was nervous if she would be in my classes. But Emmalyn made it okay somehow. She made me feel something I haven't felt in a long time. I don't know if that feeling has a name but I felt it, and I loved it. 4th period bell rang and I had chorus. She wasn't in this class though. Sophie was but I didn't care for some reason. I didn't even look at her. 5th period bell rang and I had science. I had class with Emmalyn. Thank god. But that would be my last class with her for the day. I got through the rest of the day forgetting I had soccer that day. The last bell rang and I had to go to the caffiteria for a soccer metting. That ended and I walked home. The next day I was ready to see Emmalyn again. I tried to look my best. I didnt know if it could work, but I went for it. Same thing as yesterday happend. Same classes, same people, and same deep feeling I had for her. I started soccer that day. All of my friends were on the team. We ran like crazy. I have asthma. I had it my whole life. I abused it with my inhalers, taking it to much and hurting my self. I was addicted to it. I couldn't breath at all, ever. So after a few days i was really short of breath. I started to wake up in the middle of the nights gasping for air. I couldn't take it anymore. So one day during second period I said "exuse me Mr.Hauke but I can breath, may I got to the nurses". He said yes. I went down and my mother was called down to pick me up. She was shocked to see me. She said I looked like a diffrent kid. I was pale and looking tired. I could barly walk. My mom took me right to the closest urgent care. They said I was okay. But I had a sick feeling I wasn't close to being okay. I begged her take me back, but to someone who knew how to do their job. I started to cry. I was in so much pain. It was unreal. She did this time they sent me to the hospital. I got a sharp pain in my thyroid. I couldn't move at all. They gave me a wheel chair. As soon as someone called my name I had blood drawn and a X-ray. I had a tear in my left lung. We were shocked to find out. I though it was a dream but I was wrong. They couldn't keep me in the hospital. The relocated me to another hospital a hour away. I finally got there. It was so late at night. Midnight if I remember. I got situated with a IV and a oxygen tube going into my nose. I couldn't move still. The pain was still there. Hoping it would go away. The next morning I woke up to breakfeast. The doctor asked my mom if he could speak with her. I herd them talking. He said I have a risk of dying or never being able to play sports again. At this point I didn't really care I just wanted everything to go away. My father came to see me. I was glad he came. I don't see my father much my mom and dad got a devorse when I was 5. I was stuck in the hospital for at least a week. The good part about it was the food. Treatment after treatment I got slowly better. I got released a week later. I forgot what fresh air was like before I went outside. My grandparents were waiting for me and my mother outside. I was still feeling light headed from the air but I was happy to go home. The only thing that I thought about was how everyone at school was feeling about me being there in the hospital. That thought was in my head all day. My mother and father told me I could not do the rest of soccer this season. At that moment I broke. I only really have sports to keep me active and not bored. So that's it for 3 mouths, no more soccer. I was so excited to go back to school and see everyone. Especially Emmalyn. But the bad news came back. I couldn't go to school for 2 more weeks. I was so sad. I couldn't function. I need to see everyone. So after a few days I did everything I could in my house. Taking it easy for a while. I had one more week to go back. Then I remembered my birthday is coming up soon. On September 28. So I waited another week. I finally got to school one morning. I walked into first period. Everyone had there eyes on me. I said out loud "what did I kill someone". Everyone laughed. I sat back down with Nick and Scott. They said where were you. I looked at him and said "what no one told you. They were supposed too". They said no. I was shocked. Only a few people knew. So I told them and they just went pale. They asked if I was okay. I just said "no I'm dead". Well through the day everyone was happy to see me but only a same number of people. Then I remembered later that day I have a school dance tomorrow. So I went home and asked my mother if I could go. Knowing her she said yes. I rushed upstairs and me being stupid asked Sophie to go with me she said maybe, with later ment no. I arrived at the dance early and met up with my friend Eligha. The dance started and people just started to flood inside the school. It was a great dance. Later that night Emmalyn pulled me aside and asked me to dance. I went numb, her asking that was like it wasn't really. I said no but I have no idea why if did. Just no then pulled away. I have made a terrible mistake on my part. I was sad all night but I hide it trying to be strong. When the dance ended I stayed and helped to pick up. After that I went home with Eligha and he spent the night. A few months passed and I was on my way to Florida for thanksgiving break. We got to Florida so late. I think it was like 1:00. Before I left my home me and Emmalyn started to flirt, like a lot. it was amazing she kicked my chair, I grabed her footi we hit each other, but I never had the balls to ask her out. Anyways Florida was great stayed in the keys and went to Disney world. When I got back I saw Emmalyn and I swear when she saw me come back her eyes lit right up. it was two weeks tell Christmas break after that and I had a lot of late homework. I got it done and on time. Christmas break just started then and it was awesome. I got a iPhone, like holy crap. Then New Years. Ahh New Years probably the best night ever. Emmalyn started to text me and we were texting for so long. Them she told me so many deep things about her I couldn't bear to hear. I said the three most powerful words that I dreaded.. "I love you"

To my surprise she said it back.

Numb and dumbfounded I asked her to be my girlfriend. She didn't believe me at first. I could tell that many thoughts were racing through her head. I didn't care. I wanted her pain to end. I wanted the suffering to stop. I loved this girl and I'd do anything to save her... But later I fucked up and I lost her and that might be the end of the best thing ever. I love her so much. I can't say anything though, I'm to afraid. I want her back. I should stop here. I don't know what's going to happen next. Logan of your reading this I love you and I'm sorry.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2014 ⏰

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