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Annie pov//

Annie- Mom!

Mom- Yes honey?

Annie- The fans are starting to guess that me and Hayden are dating!

Mom- Honey, they already know that your dating.

Annie- Oh....how do?!

Mom- Its okay if they now...right?

Annie- Ummm....yeah! I just wanted to tell that my self.

Mom nods and leaves my room. A sigh of relief escapes from my lips.
Lets see if they have more videos about us.


*the video*

So as you know, Hannie is real. But are they some popular ppl shipping them? Did you know that MACKENZIE ZIEGLER ships hannie?!!! Here's the clip of her, livestreaming and saying it.

*inserts clip*

Fan: What do you think about hannie?

Mackenzie: I ship hannie!

I stopped the video for a second. She ships hannie?! How do?! Huuuhhh?! I go and start texting her.

Annie: Mackenzie what the heck?!!

Mackenzie: Annie...i really meant it. Im sorry for everything.

Annie: Idk if i can accept that...

Mackenzie: Annie im sooooo sorryyy!😭😭😭lets just tryna work this out okay?😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭❤️

Annie: ....okay!

Annie: For THIS time i trust you!😆

Mackenzie: okay!🙂

I close the chat and a smile started forming. She actually wants to be friends again!
Sorry! Its a lil short this time!!👅❤️❤️❤️words: 210👅❤️

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