Doojoon's Pizza Delivery (B2ST)

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Please remember that they are all speaking Korean. If it is in italics then it is English.


"Ok! Sehun! Success! ㅋㅋㅋㅋ" Krystelle

"Hahaha XD SO FUNNY XD." Megan

"Haha Sehun was so adorable XD." Soojung

"-____________- it was funny, but I feel sorry." Ben

//everyone death glares at Ben//

"Ok ok! Sorry! I don't feel sorry!"

//everyone smiles//

"Whose our next victim?" Krystelle

"By the way how do you know there phone numbers and houses?" Megan

"..............." Krystelle

"Come on." Megan

"............" Krystelle

"Whatever! Ok, whose next victim." Megan

"Yoon Doo-Joon." Krystelle

"You mean the leader from B2ST?" Soojung

"Not from B2ST, from "I speak no engrish" group. XD" Krystelle

//starts laughing like a maniac//

"-_________________________-" Ben, Soojung and Megan

"What? Is it not funny?" Krystelle

"-_____________- duh." Ben

"Well sorry----" Krystelle

"CAN WE JUST GET ON WITH IT?!?!??!!!!" Soojung

"Ok ok. Let's start!" Krystelle

B2ST dorm....

"AISH! I'm so bored..." Yoseob

"No need to get frustrated! Let's just practice dancing" Doojoon

"Ok!" Gikwang

*Shadow shadow shadow.* (B2St Shadow)

"Sorry guys, just keep practicing. I'll just answer this phone." Doojoon

"Ok!" B2ST members

"Yeobosayo?" Doojoon

"Hello, this is the pizza delivery service, what would you like?" Megan in Italian voice

"Huh? Mwo? Um...I no speak engrish."

"What type of pizza would you like?" Krystelle in Italian voice

"Umm...I no speak engrish."

"Hawaiian?" Soojung says (favourite)

"I no speak engrish."

"Listen, I don't care if you don't speak english! I'm speaking freakin Italian!" Megan bursted

"I speak n-n-no......

"Ok, it will be 990000 won please. The pizza will be on your way." Ben (he wants the money)

"I no speak en---" Doojoon

"Mwoya?" Doojoon

"Hyung!" Junhyung

*Krystelle,Megan,Soojung and Ben hang up*


"Nothing :P" Junhyung

//rolls eyes//

"Let's just keep on practicing." Doojoon

"Nae!" Junhyung

*Knock Knock Knock*

"I'll get that!" Yoseob

"Hello, here is your pizza." Ben

"N-ne?" Yoseob

"Where is the money?" Ben


"Wae?" Doojoon

"Did you order pizza?" Yoseob

"Umm...about that....I wasn't really the one who called it and stuff. I didn't understand and......yea." Doojoon

"Babo -_-" Yoseob

"Yah! It's not like you can! Doojoon"Junhyung *comes walking in*

"........" Yoseob


"So the money?" Ben

" much?" Doojoon

"990000 won." Ben

"Ne?!" All B2ST

"Hand over the money." Ben


"HYUNG?!" All the B2ST members


//hands are shaking as he gives the money//

"Thank you. I hope you would like to buy more pizzas from our shop." Ben smirks

"Aigoo. Hyung is a babo." Dongwon

"Shut up. Let's eat the pizza." Yoseob

//tears pouring down Doojoon's face XD//

"It's ok hyung, I'm sure manager hyung will----" Junhyung


//All points to Doojoon//

"Mian-hamnida" Doojoon

"Why don't you go out of your dorm for a while." Manager

"Without a disguise?!"


"Aish, ne,"

Few minute later

"Omo! Hyung! Are you ok?!" Yoseob

"Do I look ok?" Doojoon

//he has messy hair and sweat streaming down his face//

"Are you going to do that again?" Manager


"Good, go on with your practicing. Good luck!"

"Thanks -_-" Doojoon

Our Base

"So we split the money" Krystelle

"No!" Ben hugs it

"We all help we all get!" Megan

"NO!!!" Ben keeps hugging it.

//starts chasing him around for the money//

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