About Nicoles life

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Nicole was once moderately a skinny girl as a kid she was happy, and didn't have a care in the world. She was always  really pretty but everything changed for her one day. Nicole noticed she was starting to gain weight she use to be 100 lbs then little by little she became 150 lbs. How could this have happened!she thought. Maybe it's because she ate every day . She hadn't really cared or noticed until people starting pointing it out people such as her family and her friends. Food was now her worst enemy she hated it but loved it. She would always compare herself to other girls body and think wow I wished I looked like them I wish I had skinny thighs and a slim waist. I wish my ass didn't look like a freaking cow! I wish my stomach wasn't so ginormous. She wished and wished but that's all Nicole could do about it it's not like it's actually gonna happen. Well not without her trying to lose it all and this is where she began looking up scary things.

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