3 Months Later, The Council

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"Naruto stood on a battle field. A black haired boy with one purple eye and one red one stood next to him.

"This is it Madara, today we end your tyranny!" The other Naruto shouted.

Looking in the direction he was looking Naruto found a man floating in the air.
Long white hair cascaded down his back, his one open eye glares down at the boy and the other him.

"Fool I possess the power of the Rinnegan and the Sage of Six Paths Senjutsu" the white haired man shouted.

Naruto watched as a battle ensued. Weapons, the elements and even the gravity itself was used to try and gain a foot hold above the other.

The battle field faded from view and Naruto now found himself standing on top of the water in a sewer.

Looking up he found a giant golden gate.

He jumped back in fright when he saw two giant red eyes looking straight at him.

He could do nothing as red energy surrounded him and pulled him towards the gate.

Right as he flew into the darkness a demonic sounding voice filled the area.



Naruto jolted awake, covered in sweat. The demonic voice still playing through his head.

What did it mean remember his past? His past was in that forest wasn't it?

Looking out the window he saw the moon was high in the sky. Hopping out of bed he got dressed and left his room.

With practiced ease he silently made his way to the door. His very presence had been erased.

He left Fairy Hills and ghosted away into the forest on the edge of Magnolia town, completely unaware of three people following him.

Even though he was a master of stealth Lucy, Mira and Erza had all been prepared for Naruto sneaking out so here they were crouching in the tree tops watching Naruto stand on a river bank in a forest clearing.

Naruto focused and remembered one of his memories he had experienced the other day.

"Today my cute little genins we will learn to channel chakra to our feet. This is a great skill to learn because it will enable us to stick to walls, ceilings and even water"

Allowing his instincts to guide him he put one foot on the water surface and then stopped. Taking a deep breathe he channeled chakra to his feet and put weight on that foot.

He was surprised to find that the water stayed solid and allowed him to stand on it. Hesitantly he put his other foot on the water before slowly walking to the middle of the small river and sitting down.

The girls were speechless. Naruto was walking and standing on freaking water!?? They had never heard of Magic allowing someone to to do that.

They cut off their shock as they felt energy gather around Naruto and trained their eyes on him.

Naruto sat there and tried to draw energy into him. At first it didn't work but then he felt a strange sensation fill his body. A few minutes later he felt full? He couldn't describe it.

Looking the water he took note of his reflection. His eyes were yellow with his pupil being a black bar. Around his eyes was a orange shadow. He whispered one thing.

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