Chapter 3| Worth Fighting For

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Naruto's POV Part 2

"OMG THE KID IS A FREAK LETS GET OUT OF HERE" The guy says who thought he was all high and mighty and now is a complete loser

"Hey you ok." i say putting my hand on a complete strangers shoulder

"DON'T TOUCH ME!" The stranger yells

Guards are heard all the way across the town reapeating and reapeating "PRINCE KIBA WHERE ARE YOU? ARE YOU OK? WERE YOU HARMED? PRINCE KIBA!?" One came across the corner yelling "I FOUND PRINCE KIBA, HE'S OK." making more guards surround the area grabbing me and handcuffing me and taking Kiba? i think that was his name to a huge castle bringing me along. I didn't question it and kept my composure, just hoping my baby sister was ok.

"Oh thank goodness! Kiba your ok!" A strange girl that looks older and with long blond radiant hair she's pretty young, but not that young and seems to know people, i guess.

"Yeah mom i'm fine!" Kiba says with a grumpy tone looking in the distance

"And who's that and why do you have him handcuffed!" the strange girl says to the guards holding me against my will me still keeping my composure

"Uh he looked suspicious ma'am and we believe he hurt Kiba!" one guard says thinking i was a jerk

"He doesn't look suspicious, but kiba did he hurt you!" the strange girl says looking at Kiba concerningly

"No, there were 3 guys before the guard showed up and they were making fun of me and then they took a knife out threatening me and cut my cheek and then put the knife away, they made zero sense and then right after that, that guy showed up and got rid of them." Kiba says doing a strange way of explaining things

"Guards let him go!" the strange girl says startling me

"Yes ma'am!" the two guards say at the same time releasing me 

"You may go and so sorry bout all this trouble!" the strange women says to me

Just then before i could even respond 2 girls show up one looks like a kid and the other looks about around my age 

"Oh Kiba i thought i would have to go look for you!" says the girl around my age with an eyepatch

"What if he got captured? Oh no!" says a little girl with 2 spike bracelets on both wrists and her outfit is full of spikes, she has 3 necklaces that are full of spikes, 1 of the necklaces is a cholker

"Pfft hahaha!" the girl with an eyepatch laughs

"Eyepatch and Cagey knock it off!" Kiba says getting really mad at them

"Fine geez!" says the girl i believe is called Eyepatch

"hey wait who is that guy!" says the girl i believe is Cagey

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