Chapter 3

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I know when Jacob smells something that "reeks" that sounds like the last time he said that, it was a vampire. I suddenly thought, maybe it's just last nights food he is smelling.. it can't be a vampire it just can't. Please make it be last nights food..please!

I suddenly got goosebumps on my arms, "Jacob..."

"Bella, don't worry I will find out who this is."

That's what I thought it was. But why would any of the vampires be in his house, I know Jacob wouldn't do anything to anyone. Jacob went to his bedroom and I followed him, it looked like he found something on the ground, I wonder what it was.

"What the hell.." said Jacob, examining a piece of paper.

I walked up to him, I wanted to know what that piece of paper said or what it had on it.

"What does it say?"

"It well here you read it."

Jacob passed the piece of paper to me and I read it,


This is a person who you don't know and I think you would not want to know. I am looking for a young 17 year old girl who is a vampire, if you have seen this girl or know this girl please let me know and call this number at, 1-800-123-vamp

Thank you.


"Jacob, do you know a 17 year old vampire?"

"No I swear I don't know any vampires that is 17 years old or a girl."

Strange. Why would he get a note from someone that he doesn't even know about and then looking for someone that is a 17 year old girl vampire? Anyways it's maybe one of his friends trying to creep the hell out of us. I grab the paper and throw it right into the garbage.

"Good Idea Bells."

"Yeah, I bet it is one of your friends trying to creep us out, I mean who would write this only to you anyways?"

"You're probably right."

I nodded. We continued what we were going to do, just hang and talk. But I'm just wondering, what if it wasn't his friends that wrote that. What if it was an actual vampire girl that they are looking for.. wait why would they be asking Jacob in particular...? Jacob said he didn't know any girl that was a vampire. Unless they sent it to the wrong address. No. Can't be. But the smell that he has smelled, that has to be a vampire.

Me and Jake hung out for a couple hours but I might as well be going home to my dad, Charlie. If I don't get home to him soon, he would probably get mad. I have to make him his so called lunch because well, I guess that's how it's suppose to be.

"Well Thanks Jake for a wonderful few hours, but I think I should be getting back home to Charlie, you know how he is when he doesn't get his lunch!"

"Okay Bells, I will see you later." Jake replied, and pulled me into a bear hug.

I hugged back and said, "Jacob....can't..breathe!"

"Oh right, sorry"

I giggled and waved to him as I went out the door. I hopped into my car and drove away, wow my car actually started up properly for once. Once I was driving home, it started raining off and on. Strange the weather was perfectly sunny this morning with no clouds in the sky.

I started thinking about the note Jacob found on the floor, and a light bulb just lit in my head. Edward...Edward! Edward must of knew some girl that was a vampire. Maybe Alice is in town? Or Rosalie? Has to be! There is not any vampires that I know of that would be in this town. Wow that scared me but wow Alice or Rosalie is in town! That's great! Well I hope one of them is in town, I would love to see them!

I arrived at my house, nice and safely. I got out of the car and got out my keys and unlocked the door, Charlie smiled and me as I came in and waved, "Hi Bells!" I wonder why he is so happy right now...

"Hi dad!" I said happily.

"Did you and Jacob have a great time?" asked Charlie.

"Oh yeah we had lots of fun!" I replied, in a happy way.

"Aw looks like some girl had too much fun with a guy!"

I rolled my eyes, "Dad....It's not like that."

"Good because if it was, I would have to be getting out my shot gun!"

"What!?" I gasped.

"I am just kidding with you Bells."

I sighed in relief, "Oh." I giggled, "I'm going to go upstairs and make your lunch after I'm done getting changed, okay?" 

"Sure, take your time."

I ran up the stairs and put on some clean, dry clothes to put on. The ones I was wearing got wet since it was raining as I came out of my car. I put my clothes on fast before Charlie would probably be complaining of how long I take. I brushed my hair back into a pony tail and ran back down stairs.

"Oh Bella, I forgot to tell you that when you were gone and you were with Jacob, you got a phone call from Alice. She left you a message saying she is stopping to say hello and she arrived carefully and safely where she is."

I nodded and replied, "Oh that's great!"

So that means Alice is not in town. Rosalie? But I don't think she would be in town, well to see me anyways. I think she doesn't like me as much as the others. It's okay though, I think shes pretty nice and friendly. Then.. who could this be?

"I'm going to make your lunch, as you asked."

"Okay, I will be watching TV."

I grabbed the bread and got the cold cuts and put it on the bread I also grabbed the mayo and spreaded it on the other side. I sliced the sandwich into 2 and put it on a plate on the table for Charlie. I also made one for me, I was a bit hungry myself.

"Okay foods ready!"

He came running to the table, grabbed the plate and ran back to the sofa. Okay I guess hes watching his important sports stuff. Well, I can't blame him, there is really nothing else that is good on TV today anyways.

As soon as I took a bite out of my sandwich I felt like eating so many of them, my mouth was getting watery. So I made another one after I was done with that one, I was probably very hungry. But after I ate that one I felt like I wanted another one? I guess I am thirsty so I grabbed a water bottle out of the fridge and drank some water. Oh okay that was better, it stopped.

I told my dad that I felt tired and I wanted to take a little nap so jumped into bed and took a nap, my mind went crazy with thoughts, and all of these crazy thoughts went into a dream and then became a nightmare.

I woke up screaming into my pillow, hopfuly my dad didn't hear me, he might freak out. I went to the washroom to go to my bussiness and fix my self up. I took a look at my self in the mirror, I looked a bit paler then usual, maybe its the lighting? I even took a closer look into my eyes, still a dark brown but saw a little tiny spot of red camoflaughed into the colour. I gasped and stepped back and fell on the toilet seat. Was that really what I saw or was it my imagination?


Hmmmm.. this is getting interesting! Who has done this to Bella and why was this done? Who knows you have to read the story once I update it to find out :D This was a quick update, I may add some more to this chapter afterwards but anyways hope you enjoyed it!

HEHEHEHE Well next chapter coming soon! :D

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2014 ⏰

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