Adopted by Magcon

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"Go, go before she gets us!" I scream. "I'm going as fast as I can!" Ashley screams. We're running from our mom/caretaker Megan. We TPed her office and her room and left a nice little note! It read "new room, new you!" And Megan went crazy. She is running after us right now with THE belt. We hid in the corridor. "She will find us if we just stand here!" I whispered. "Your right lets go!" She said. We ran into the kitchen and into the main living room when an attractive guy walks in. He stares at us running and crying, afraid to get whipped again. This is the 4th time this week. We get to our room and see her standing there smirking at us. She runs to us and smacks me in the face and whips me with the belt multiple times. She then began to punch me until I was bruised all over. She then began to walk over to Ashley. "NO!" I screamed and jumped in front of Ashley taking the whip. "Move out of my way you little slut!" She screamed in my face. She then punched me twice in the face and everything turned black. I woke up to see bruises all over my body.

I can't believe that I have been here all my life! Our parents were in a terrible car crash and died while me and Ashley were only a year old. Me and my sister have been in this rusty place for as long as I can remember. Hi, I'm Kylie. I'm 16 years old and have been in this horrible place for 15 years of my life. You may be wondering what I meant by that. I live in an orphanage with my twin sister Ashley. We're very similar but not identical... Okay maybe but not as bad as people mixing us up. I have black hair that ombre's into pink. I have bright blue eyes and a tan body. My sister has red hair and green eyes and a tan body. We both have glasses too. We both have belly rings, our cart ledge pierced and 3 holes pierced in our ears. We have different styles though. She is very tomboy where as I am a girly girl but a little tomboy. We have different tastes in music. She likes all kinds of music where as I like rap, hip hop, alternative, pop, and dance. We're also both known as the problem children at our orphanage. Our orphanage is clean and tidy but has horrible workers. Like our "mom, caretaker" Megan. She abuses us, whips us, verbally abuses us... Etc. it's bad. She mentally scares us and we have no control except for today. We were walking down to the kitchen for breakfast when I see this attractive guy talking to Megan. He looked at us and pointed and then said something to her. She looked over at us and smirked then looked at him and nodded. He them walked over to us and sat down. "Hi!" He said. "Hello!" Ash said. "Hai!" I said. "How are you guys?" He asked us. "Good!" We said together. Then we looked at eachother and laughed. He just giggled. He started to ask us questions about why we're here and what were like. After we talked he had a huge smile on his face and said bye and walked away. We had already finished our breakfast so we went upstairs. I was really bored and decided to take a nap. "I'm going to take a nap ash, wake me up when it's lunch?" I asked. "Sure!" She said. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Ashley's pov

"I'm going to take a nap ash, wake me up when it's lunch?" Kylie asked. "Sure!" I said. She then fell asleep so I decided to draw. Nobody knows I draw, not even Kylie. I'm pretty good but not as good as some people. After about 20 minutes of drawing Channing Tatum I decided to read a book. I was 20 pages into the Fault in our Stars and I was in love with the book! I sat down and read for maybe and hour and a half. I still had a half an hour to wake Kylie up so I decided to go down to get a snack. As I walk into the Kitchen Megan approaches me. "Ashley guess what?" She said happily. "What?" I said meaner then expected. "That boy from earlier is going to adopt you and Kylie! Don't tell Kylie, I want it to be a surprise!" She said truly happy for us. "Ok and sure!" I said and saw the time. It was 12:10. I raced up the stairs and to our room to see Kylie laying there still asleep. "Kylie wake up." I said. "Why?" She mumbled. "Because it's lunch!" I said and started to run. Kylie gets crazy over food. She stood up and started to run again till she got to the kitchen. She grabbed a plate and got everything there was. Same with me! We were sitting there eating when Megan called me over. "Hey, did you tell her? She looks happy!" She said angry. "No she just really loves food!" I said. "Oh ok, he is coming tomorrow morning at 10:00 so be ready with your things packed. Tonight packed her things for her and then wake her up at 9:45 and tell her to get ready. Also hid her bags so she doesn't suspect a thing!" She said. "Ok bye Megan!" I said happy. I went back to the kitchen and continued eating. When I was done I put my plate and fork in the sink and washed it. I went back upstairs and decided to take a nap and fell asleep.~ I then woke up to Kylie shaking me. "What?" I asked. "It's dinner time!" She said. "Ok!" I said and ran down the stairs. We got our food and ate then went upstairs to go to bed. I put my pajamas on and turned the light off. "Goodnight Kylie" I said. "Goodnight Ash!" She said and with that we were out.

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