'I am no Slave'

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This was just a random scene that popped in to my head. 

She found him by the park..Somehow they always end up here. Seated on some kind of bench, watching over to the lake side, as if they were in some kind of movie. Except this wasn't any movie. This was a reality they did not want to live through. There was no re-writes in this story. Even if they wanted to they couldn't change the chapters. Fate was the boss, and they were the slaves.

'Kadeem!'. Not a dog was in sight, except them in this chilly evening. He heard her, she knew, but he did not turn to look at her. Sighing, she walked over to him, and sat herself next to him. 'Kadeem,' she repeated quietly. 'Why?' The question was simple, but the answer wasn't. Eventually his head turned to face her. Brown empty orbs gazed at her. 'How do you want me to answer that?', his usually sweet voice was now raspy, as if he had been crying for hours, and now he was just tired.

'I am your best friend, Kadeem. We are best friends.' Her fingers clasped his hand. 'Why didn't you tell me. How-' voice cracked, tears threatening to fall.  'Tell me.'

'Because, Ashi! What am I supposed to do? Huh! Just when I thought maybe finally I won't feel so empty- maybe once I'd have my family behind me, they shun me. WHY. WHY JUST BECAUSE I AM DIFFERENT? And then when you think it cannot get any worse I FIND OUT THIS? WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO TELL.' Tears spilled to his jeans, leaving stains.

Rising up, she knelt in front of him, cupping his face closer to her. Tenderly she wiped away the tears. 'Kadeem, don't you always say family doesn't end with blood? Don't you always say we choose our family? So what if they won't accept you. I am here, aren't I? Aren't I your family? I love you don't I. Isn't that why we are best friends? Remember, it's us against the entire world. How could you forget.'  

He leaned, their foreheads touching. 'You're my family for life. I never forgot, but I... I didn't know how to tell you. I cannot bear tears in your eyes, Ashi. How am I supposed to know whether you will be okay? How am I supposed to tell you that we won't see each other again.'

Emotions choked at the back of her throat. Clutching the base of his neck, she pulled him . 'I might not see you, but you will see me. You will see me loving you for the rest of eternity.  Soon enough we will reunite. You just wait and watch!'

'Oh how I wish you were a guy... ' Laughter erupted at his statement. Guffawing like idiots, tears streaming at the same time. 'And how I wish you were straight....'

'Remember the first time we kissed?' She smiled, 'how could I ever forget. You were my first kiss, and best kiss.' He pulled her up in to his lap.  Arms looped around his neck, she rested her head on his chest. The thumping of his heart relaxed her entire body. 'Isn't it awesome how you can tell your future kids that your first kiss was a gay guy?'

'No,' she mumbled to his shirt. 'I will tell them I kissed my best friend. The most amazing man in this world. A man like no other, and I am pretty sure not even my husband can ever take your place. I will tell them about what an amazing uncle you would have been. I would tell them about our crazy adventures. Our crazy drives in the nights, filming the glorious city life. I will tell them about the crazy incident that made us become best friends. They will love you.'

His hold tightened. 'Would you tell them how I told you, you were my best friend?' Chuckling at the memory she nodded. 'Of course, except maybe when they are 14. Because I don't think I want to repeat,  ''I like dick, but you're the first vagina I have ever liked.''  

'And you said, ''is that your way of saying we are best friends?'  The cheeriness in the air disappeared immediately. Ache settled in to their hearts again at the memories. 'You promise to watch over me?', she asked, tears once again ready to drop. 'Forever.' He laid a kiss on her hair.

For a few moments they sat there in silence, enjoying the serene atmosphere. Until later, he decided to break the stillness in the air.


'Yes, Kadeem?'

'You're my favourite Vagina.'

'And you're my favourite dick, Kadeem.'

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