Inseparable : KRYBER

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Wrote this a LONG time ago too. Thinking of picking up from where I left off. See as I have a little time on my hands now.


Guns, secrets, death, pain, love.

At a secret agency, none of these can be overlooked.

Gunshots were fired. She was noticed and she made a run for it. Her cover was at stake now. Her captain isn’t going to be happy at what has happened. Neither was her partner. Two blocks away, her partner started the van and sped in the direction she was calling from.

“Darn!” She cursed as she made a left turn into a dead end. She turned back and ran the other direction checking behind her constantly to see if the two criminals she was supposedly spying on, was still tailing her.

“Hyuna!” Her partner called out from her earpiece. “Where are you?! Run out to the main road. I’ll pick you up from there. Hurry.”

“Amber, I can’t find my way out. I’m trapped. They’re right behind me!” She was scared. She ran as fast as her legs could carry her and once she reached the main road, the door swung open and she saw her teammates.

Before she got into the van, four shots were fired and three hit her on her back. Her partner and teammates witnessed the scene. Immediately, Amber drew her gun and fired at the two guys hitting them squarely in the head. When she ended their lives, she rushed to open her door and ran to her partner’s side.

“Hyuna!” Luna, Yuri and Hyoyeon; Hyuna and Amber’s teammates shouted. It was the last thing anyone had expected.

“Hyuna…” Amber pulled her partner close to her. “Don’t leave me…please…”

Hyuna had lost large amounts of blood from the three entry wounds and her face was losing color. Amber stared into the eyes of her partner and best friend and saw the life of Hyuna fade before her own.

Usually, they say that when your life flashes before your eyes when you’re about to leave this world. In this case, Amber’s life flashed before her.

How she met Hyuna in the Police Academy. How they once fell in love and dated briefly but only to find that they suited the Best Friend title instead of Lovers. How they moved on to being spies for The Agency. Best spies.

Now, she was going to lose her. Forever.

Luna and Hyoyeon, quickly pulled Amber and Hyuna into the back of the van while Yuri climbed into the front and drove to the nearest hospital.

Hyuna was being wheeled into the ER. Amber held on to the brown haired girl and the doctors tended to the wound.

“Amber…” Hyuna called her name after the nurses guided her out of the operating room.

She sat down on the seats with her head in her hands. Luna and Hyoyeon found Amber and sat down next to her comforting her. They told her that Yuri was going back to The Agency to update the captain of the case and the situation.

Amber’s hands and clothes were covered in Hyuna’s blood. When she looked down at herself, the scene replayed in her head over and over again. She kept blaming herself that she could’ve driven faster and that if she did, she could’ve gotten to Hyuna faster. All the could haves plagued her mind and she was so uneasy. The thoughts of losing Hyuna could not leave her too. The one friend that had stuck by her the pass 6 years in Korea was leaving her. When she came here to runaway from her parents’ plans for her to run their family business in America, when she decided to go against her parents and came over to Korea with her cousin, when she signed on to the police force and Hyuna was the first friend she made there. When she achieved so much with Hyuna and how they made it to The Agency together and picked as partners. All these thoughts flooded her mind and she broke down.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2014 ⏰

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