love is forever 5th

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" me". I shout for them. I shout and shout but no answer. I guess I shout too long. My mouth feels dry and I can't let out a voice. I try to turn my body and it feels sore all over. I try to remember what had happen. The ship was on fire, I was thrown in the water. I swim and swim and swim. Everywhere I see is debris and nobody around. It's so dark and all I can see the fire on the ship and the ship already sink half in the water. Where should I go? There don't see any land nearby. The night already come.

I'm all alone. I lost everything. I don't know if they alive or not. I just watching the sunset and now I'm all alone. What if something happen to them? Who I should turn to? Who will care for me? What should I be doing now? I can't move much it still feel sore. I don't know how long I keep swim and try to hold on. I still feeling very tired but I'm tired of sleep. I need to wake up. How long I've been sleep?

Slowly I open my eyes. Everything seems dark. The curtains closed. I can't see outside. I don't know it day or night. Only one bed lamp is on but still dim. The bed I was sleep was huge. "Where am I?"I said to myself. I look at my side. The place look like someone had sleep on it by the shape on the pillow and mattress. Who sleep with me? O.M.G. I'm not a virgin? Someone rape me? Where are my clothes?" I see around and I'm wearing a guy shirt and my clothes all gone. I'm only had my bikini left. I feel want to cry but there no tears. I don't know what I should do. Suddenly I heard footsteps from outside. I quickly close my eyes back and just pretend to sleep. My heart beats crazily. I hope no one can hear it. The footsteps come nearer and nearer. I feel like my heart going to burst out. I'm so shaken and scared. What will he do to me? Should I scream? Can anyone hear me?


The sound of her heart beats so strong and loud. It feels like it going out of her chest. I automatically know she is awake but she still closes her eye. Maybe she scared or sad. I can see few tear drops from her eyes. I quickly brush it off with my finger. Then she opens her eyes and look at me straight in the eyes. Those eyes showed she so scared but try to look she ok. She was scared. She must be crying in her sleeps. She must be thinking I do something bad to her.

"Who are you? Where am I?" she asked and continued to stare at me. I try to hold her, I not even touch her with my hand then she screamed at top of her lung. "Help! Please help me!" I quickly put my hand over her mouth and other hand holds her still. "Be quiet."I said firmly. Lucky I remember to shut the door. So no one can hear her maybe a faint sound.

"Well you are now in my chamber. I'm so sorry if you think I take advantage on you but it is not what you think it is. I had to remove your clothes because you are wet and cold. I need to keep you dry and I don't know how long you been in the water. I promised I don't see anything I don't need to see. I give you my shirt because there no other girl around that I can borrow....' I try to explain to her. Why she looking like I'm the bad person. I'm save her. I'm doing my best now. If I just follow my heart I already take a bite of her and become the bad person. I worry she not fully recover I can't do like that to her. I have to respect her.

"If I let go of my hand you promised not to scream again?" I said and look at her. She nodded her head and her eyes pleading with me to release her. Her eyes become watery like she going to cry and then I realized I hold her tight.

My mistake I thought to myself "she must be hurt bu me" slowly I removed my hands. She quickly take the blanket and hold it more firmly over her body and still staring at me.

"Well it is difficult for me to trust you if you don't do anything to me. I accept that maybe you also telling me the truth. How I got here? The last time I remember I still in the water then nothing. You still not answer me who are you?" she said while still staring at me. I just love to see her eyes.

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