Chapter 25 - Ryan

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I bit my lip as I walked into Goldy's bedroom. Would she say we could be together? Will she say we couldn't? I didn't know, but I was stressed all the same. I let out a nervous laugh. "Ok?" Tina pressed Goldy. Goldy sighed. "I say..." I hung on Goldy's every word. "I say..." Suddenly, I noticed the smirk on her face. Goldy was enjoying leading us on. I resisted the urge to playfully smack her. Instead, I sent her a teasing glare. The girl returned it with a taunting grin. "I say the benefits outweigh the possible risks," She finally said. I felt my face break into a huge grin. I ran forward and hugged her. As I did, I whispered in her ear: "I like you... a lot," Goldy stepped back and smiled at me. "I do, too."

      "Want to head back to the daycare?" Tina suggested. "We can go to the beach again," the tiger girl finished. "Yeah, because that went sooo well last time," Goldy pointed out sarcastically. I resisted the urge to grin. "While you are all here, why don't you guys get your headsets? We can play Grottos and Goblins," Goldy suggested. I grinned at her. "Definitely!" I exclaimed. "I finally leveled up, I'm way taller now," Goldy informed us all. "Then you'll need me, the excellent bard!" UnicornMann called. "And your barbarian!" Tina piped up, beaming. "The random extra archer!" Sabre cheered. I sent a grin at Goldy. "We all have our headsets and computers, right?" I asked everyone. "Of course!" Unicorn said. "Yeah," Sabre told me. "Duh!" Tina exclaimed. Goldy just waved a hand at her computer. "Then let's get started!"

     I slid the headset over my head, and selected "Start". There was a flash of light, and suddenly I was standing by the bar. Goldy appeared next to me, and she was taller. Tina flashed in on the other side, sword in hand. Unicorn and Sabre came in soon after. "Okay, want to attempt to invade the Wilderness Castle?" I suggested. Everyone stared at me like I was crazy. Finally, Goldy broke out in a smile. "Why not? We have nothing to lose!" She exclaimed. The others all agreed. I ran out of the tavern, Goldy, Unicorn, Sabre, and Tina right behind me. "Where's the portal there?" I asked. Goldy pointed toward a circular structure. It was made of wood, and there was a purple mist swirling out of it. "Looks ominous. Let's go!" Goldy cheered. We all ran at the mist, and there was a bright flash of purple light.

    "Woah!" I heard Unicorn yell. I blinked furiously. Slowly, I saw a castle forming in front of me. It was dark brown, and it was surrounded by a river. A moat crosses the murky green water. "Okay. Sabre and I will hang back, and shoot the guards on either side of the bridge, then, we all cross over. Sabre and I hang back on the bridge, and take care of the other guards. Then, Ryan and Tina will go into the castle, and UnicornMann will put some buffs on them to give them extra power. In the meantime, Sabre and I will snipe any guards unfortunate enough to get in our way. The two of us and UnicornMann will follow Ryan and Tina in after they clear the place out. We'll make our way through like that. Sabre and I sniping, Ryan and Tina clearing the place out, and UnicornMann putting on buffs." Goldy instructed us. "Smart," Tina complimented. Goldy smiled at her. "Let's do this!" I yelled.

    Goldy and Sabre took care of the guards quickly. We advanced over the bridge in no time. Tina smiled at me, and we ran in through the castle doors. Tina took the left side and I attacked the right. I cut down monster guards quickly. Tina met eyes with me, and I noticed that all of her guards were dead, and so were mine. "All clear!" Tina yelled. Goldy, Sabre, and Unicorn walked in. Suddenly, something hit me from behind. I stumbled, and fell forward. I flipped over, pain gnawing at my ankle. It's a shame that this video game simulated pain, too. Looming over me was an orc the size of a crane. My eyes widened. "Don't move," The orc grumbled at my friends. "Or your friend here gets the cudgel," He threatened. I gulped. Oh no...

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