I still need you (Smack)

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I hope god comes and strikes me down.

Anyway no I'm not dead I'm just severely cursed with dumbassiosis and can't get my shit together so



-I still need you-

(Name) was always a very determined believer when it came to people. They had a way of being very good at guessing how a person would act before they even said a word. People often had mixed reactions to their talent. Some people were amazed and impressed, others were offended and doubtful. They seemed to be able to get anyone right without a semblance of hesitance. Smack however, had been an exception to this little 'rule.'

From day one, they'd never been able to figure the shorter man out. They tried as well as they could, going off of the little knowledge they had about him, but they could never quite agree on one thing. They still took it upon theirself to try and get to know him better though. Something about him had interested them in a peculiar way. At first, things were incredibly awkward and confused as they tried to figure the other out a bit silently.

Of course, their efforts didn't work very well. Over time however, they'd started actually talking with one another. Soon enough, it wasn't an uncommon thing for one to visit the other to talk about their day or something pleasant like that. They had many things in common, and got along very well. They both usually talked about things that were happening, but over time it shifted to the, speaking more so about one another, positively of course. Usually, compliments for the other were exchanged, the receiver usually just chuckling and denying lightly.

That was, if Smack was the one getting the compliment. If it was (Name) they'd always deny it a bit more..not violently, but..very sure in what they said. They would deny, degrade theirself, and then compliment him. It only got worse over time, which only worried him an awful lot in all honesty. He wasn't used to seeing them so...self-loathful.

Over time they got quieter, meeker, and just unhappier looking. Then came the time they just straight up disappeared. Pent and them shared that in common, running away from their problems and hoping it would be fixed by the time they came back. He looked around for them as best he could, but they were clever enough to not leave a trail behind them. He'd looked from what seemed like the abyss, to Fertelli's and even, albeit hesitantly, asked a few people in the town. Of course, none of them had been able to give an answer that would help. That was, until he got to the person nobody ever would've expected to have helped. Gilmore.

"Hm? (Hair colour) colour hair person?" Gilmore questioned, getting a quick and shocked nod from the much shorter figure. "Seen 'em walking toward the river yesterday," he explained.

"I'd hurry if I were you, it's harder to get a target the farther they get," he added, not understanding the reason why he was actually asking.

Smack didn't bother to correct him, nodding quickly again in understanding before turning to run off, only to stop and look back at him over his shoulder, "I uh..T-Thank you," he thanked, adrenaline making it much harder to respond than usual.

Gilmore only shrugged, "Good luck! And don't make a mess or you'll get caught!" he advised knowingly.

Smack ran off, and toward the river at the edge of the town.


(Name) stared over the small ripples and waves of the flowing river, looking at the rocks and sand at the very bottom. They were all different shapes and sizes, only having similar colours here and there. They gave a small sigh and focused on one that was closer to them, it had a teal-ish tint to it despite being mostly grey. They hesitated a moment before tugging their sleeves up, reaching into the cold water to pull it out. After a moment of digging it out of the sand, it came out, showing off how it was different from all the others.

They looked it over in their hands, forgetting how they were pretty much homeless, by their own choice of course, and how they were alone. The only sound that they could make out was the rushing water, birds chirping now and then, and the song that cicadas and crickets sung endlessly. The ambience had somewhat become white noise to them even though it'd only been a day since they'd gotten there. They let a breath pass through their lips and looked up at the night sky, holding the stone in their lap. They looked over all the stars in the sky, even mumbling the names of a few constellations to nobody in particular.

They chuckled dryly and shook their head when they got to (Zodiac). They could remember how they'd always stare up at it for what seemed like years, studying when and how each star twinkled and sparkled like jewels decorating fabric. They looked around it for a bit, and soon enough their eyes landed on (Other zodiac). They stared wordlessly, recalling just who they'd left behind. They weren't sure how long that they'd stared, but they knew they stopped when they stood up, turned around, and ran.

They weren't sure if they were in control at that moment, and they weren't sure if they could stop anytime soon. They ran, and ran, them being able to feel cold air sting and scratch at their skin after slinking up their sleeves or rushing past their face. The trees ambushed as well, cutting the side of their face and their arms when they were in reach. Bramble and twigs on the ground assaulted their legs, leaving cuts and smaller gashes that stung and burned. They kept at this until they ran into someone, them yelping before they fell back onto their back, being quick to prop their self up on their elbows.

At that moment it seemed like breathing was impossible. They just stared at the shorter man, not sure of how to properly react or respond. Silence hung awkwardly in the air before he shook his head and spoke up, "I..Why don't we go home and talk about this..if you want to, that is. Admittedly..I'd be a bit more comfortable if you did though."

They could only nod before pushing theirself off the ground, grabbing his hand before they both walked off in a much more comfortable silence.


"Why was it that you ran away?" Smack spoke up, looking forward at the fireplace as he asked. He was glad his eyes weren't visible, the concern would've been impossible to hide.

(Name) fidgeted uncomfortably for a few moments, brushing their hand up against the bandage around their knee, they finally answered, "I..You know how some people organize flowers and stuff like..someone could have only daisies and someone else could have only tulips..I'm kinda like the wilted flower that has no petals. Nobody wants some stupid dead flower in their garden."

He looked over at them for a moment, admittedly, he wasn't as surprised as he should've been. "I..(Name), you know that isn't true-"

"But it is!" They interrupted, "I..Everyone else here is just so interesting and cool like..Khonjin is really funny and entertaining, Pent is really determined and creative, and you're just really calm and understanding and cool and I just!-" they sighed, looking down and off to the side.

He was quiet for a moment, taking in the words that they'd said. "Well," he started, "If we're going to play that way, I think you're very interesting and perceptive."

(Name) was going to deny again before he cut them off, "Look, everyone is different in one way or another. Everyone has a different way of seeing something, just because you don't think that you're good or creative, doesn't mean that others see you the same way, I should know."

For once they were speechless, they just stared at him for a few moments in shock at what he'd said. They only looked back forward after what felt like centuries, staring down at their hands in their lap.

"Hey Smack?.."

He hummed lightly.

"Thanks for everything."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2019 ⏰

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