Chapter 7 - Daydream

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Chapter 7 Daydream

Skyler's POV

    "Damn, man. You keep on getting distracted by her..." One of the Outcasts said.
   Daymon chuckled, "Just leave him be. Let him keep dreaming."
   I did just that. I kept daydreaming about that one, mysterious girl. In a lot of ways, she was like us. In a lot of ways, she was different. It seemed as if she had nobody at all. That was very uncommon for this school...Just look at us. Us Outcasts usually always have each other beside one another, not the usual propaganda of "loners." But– this girl...She kept my mind racing. And, at times, my heart. It was strange of me to feel like this for someone. I never even felt so intrigued by someone in my life, I believe.
   "Why don't you just go hit her up?" Yet another Outcast bursted out laughing as I continued to observe the girl writing underneath the oak tree. The tree right next to "our's."
   "You know I can't do that, you bastard," I teased him. I usually always called them bastards and shit like that. It didn't seem to phase them at all.
   Standing up, I leaned up against the trunk, arms folded. "She's just...Different."
   "Yeah, yeah. Let's make it like another Twilight parody. Where's your sparkles?" One of them snickered, making the other's laugh.
   I stayed silent, rolling my eyes at them.
   Then, I went back to day dreaming again. Their voices were distorted once again, as well. I always tried making up scenarios to how I'd introduce myself to her. How would I do that? I can't even say hey to my fucking best friend Daymon without choking up.
   "Go!" Two of my friends screamed, knocking me out of my daydream, and shoving me. I stumbled to catch my feet, but since it was so unexpected for them to do that, I fell flat into the grass. Lord, was I furious. But, more importantly, I was embarrassed out of my mind. Like I said, these two trees were near each other. It wouldn't surprise me if I stumbled and fell right next to her. I buried my head into my arms as I was still face-first into the ground. All I could hear was hysterical laughter behind me. I didn't dare lift my head. She would be looking at me and laughing at me, too, I just know it.
   But, I had to get up sooner or later.
   So, I lifted my head, and noticed I was no where near her or her tree. Yet, I did see she was looking straight at me, and my cheeks had a burning sensation.
   "G-Goddammit..." I muttered, getting myself up, and marching towards those two imbeciles.
   "Oh shit!" One of them shrieked, still having a laughing fit. He grabbed the other one's arm and they started running. Then, I chased after them, screaming their names and cursing up a storm. But, it wasn't long before Jocks spotted us, and then we all fled.
   I ran out of breath, and eventually found myself in the school once again.
   The halls were empty.
   All except for the screaming of Jocks from just around the corner.
   I heard something collapse onto the floor, and I peeked around the corner to see the girl, and the two Jocks that were hovering over her. Her books were spread out around her, and her glasses were flung off her face.
   "Haha! That's what you get, you damn Nobody!" one of the Jocks yelled.
   "Guys, look! It's a chicken looking for her chicken-seed! Bowk! Bowk, bowk!" the other one bullied her.
   The girl sighed and clumsily looked for her glasses. I couldn't help but feel sorry for her...
   "Hey! We're going to be late for the football meet, dick! Come on, hurry up!" One Jock yelled at the two hovering over her.
   A few other torments, and then they left. Leaving the girl sitting on her knees, facing away from me.
   I knew this was the chance for me.
   I stepped quietly behind her, and grabbed one of her books.
   "Here," I tried my best to stay calm.
   The girl's cute, lost-puppy-like expression made me want to melt.
   "Th-Thank you," she shakily took the book from my hand. Seeing her blush just made it worse.
   "Wh-Why did you help me?" she quietly asked, fighting tears.
   I managed a weak smile, "It would be rude of me to just leave you to help yourself, miss..." I was cut off by the sound of the bell ringing, "Allison," I finished.
   She seemed distracted by the bell, and she looked at the clock. In that time, I swiftly made my way back to the corner I first saw her at, and hid there, heart pounding. I felt as if I were going to melt then and there, standing up against the wall. 
   If only I knew not to pick up her book that one day. Otherwise all of this wouldn't have happened...
   "Skyler, you're daydreaming again," a voice woke me up from my daze. I caught my surroundings. I was on campus.
   Daymon was sitting next to me, staring at me with confusion plastered on his face. Yet, I continued staring ahead of me, and not towards him.
   There she was.
   She was happy...
   With him.
   "It reminds me of high school, really...How all of this is," I muttered under my breath. Allison was sitting under a different tree that was coincidentally near our's with that guy. She would glance over here from time to time, and it would make my heart stop beating. But, then, I'd almost be scared, because the bastard that was next to her would always look over here and give me menacing expressions. It was as if Allison didn't even have a care in the world, either. That hurt me to know that. I couldn't believe the fact that this guy was also one of "us", and he kept giving those cold, disgusting looks as if we were scum. Usually that never happens...Hell, even with Richie, he still understood me in the end. This guy? It was as if I was a completely different being. But, that is true. I am the monster that destroyed her...Too much.
   And, yet, even after all I've done to Daymon...Here he is, sitting next to me. Still supporting me. I couldn't actually believe that at that moment, but I kept going back to daydreaming. I suppose it were as if it was a routine. I would lose reality, and Daymon would have to wake me up, and then I'd lose it again. Sometimes I'd break down crying without even noticing. All until I buried my head into my knee-caps, that is.
   "I've lost her...I've lost her for good."
   "Then win her back, Skyler," Daymon coaxed.
   "How the fuck am I supposed to do that?!" I shot my head up, screaming at him.
   He gave a weak smile. "You have won her heart back many, many times, Skyler. I'm sure you can do it again."
   I sat there, looking back over at Allison.
   My heart completely stopped, and I started trembling.
   There they were– standing up, holding each other closely. Kissing.
   "Skyler..." Daymon's tone changed to a deep tone, and he gripped onto my shoulders. "Calm down."
   "N-No...This can't be happening..." I cried, trying to get away from his grasp. I finally gave up and fell flat on my face into the grass– sobbing.
   He helped me up on my feet,  and we both started walking away.
   I suppose I should have gone with the saying "...and never look back." but I didn't.
   I looked back.
   I knew I shouldn't have, but I did.
   My eyes wouldn't stop looking back. I looked back multiple times.
   And, I eventually started charging towards the man that was laying hands on her, and I shoved him to the ground, out of her grasp.
   I was screaming and cursing many things at him, starting to hit and punch him violently.
   Allison shrieked and tried getting me off, to stop hitting and punching him. But, I did not budge. Daymon eventually caught up and pulled me off of the guy, and I saw Allison crying her eyes out once again. She rushed over to the guy instead of me. I was not used to that at all...
   I was hurting terribly...
   It was as if my heart was aching because of this.
   It was aching extremely...
   And, there I sat– on my knees. It were as if I had come across defeat.
   I was waiting for the victor to decapitate me.
   The victor walked off with the princess.
   The victor was the prince.
   And I was the defeat.
   I was the villain.
   Daymon knelt beside me, and only said a few words.
   "You can win her back."
   Then, he stood up, and walked off.
   I was left alone, still waiting to be slain.
   The sun eventually set, and I was still staring blankly ahead of me.
   I was eventually pulled by the back of my collar and onto my feet, being forcefully turned around by hands on my shoulders. I continued to stare blankly at everything. I couldn't even make out who was in front of me.
   They sighed, and put their arm around my shoulder, starting to walk off with me.
   "Little brother, you sure are a mess," they huffed. I saw someone else run to my other side. It was Daymon.
   "I didn't know what else to do, Skyler. You wouldn't budge," Daymon admitted. I guessed he got Mason to come out here and get me.
   "He'll be fine. Now, where's Allison at? I'll go and speak to her." Mason let down his arm, and I still stood there, slumped over, delusional.
   Daymon sputtered where he thought she was. I couldn't make out what they were saying at this point. I went back to daydreaming.
   I could see Allison.
   She was smiling and being happy...
   The atmosphere around her was glowing white. It was as if it were harmony.
   But, then the atmosphere turned black. And she was crying.
   The victor stepped beside her.
   I tried reaching out towards her, but I couldn't reach far enough.
   She was taken away.
   The victor won.
   The defeated lost.
   "Does she know about us, Skyler?" Cecilia mumbled in her sweet tone, rubbing her hands on my chest.
   "No," I said with agony, "she doesn't."
   She let out a content sigh, resting her head back onto me. "I wish that you would love me like the way you love her."
   I stared at the ceiling, focusing on it as I laid there in the bed.
   "I hate this...I hate it so much," I muttered.
   "Then why do you keep coming back to me, Skyler?" she asked back.
   I stayed silent for a moment, then admitted, "Because I'm a monster..."
   Lifting my head, I saw she fell asleep. Then, I plopped my head back onto the pillow. I placed my arm over my eyes, and hid my silent tears that lulled me to sleep that night. Even though I'd still have many nights here, I did not know.
   I kept remembering those times. I remembered everything...
   I screwed up...
   I fucked up...
   And now, it's too late.
   As I zoned back into reality, I found myself standing in the middle of nowhere. Nowhere meaning the middle of the grass field where I just was a few moments ago. I guess I wasn't gone for a big amount of time, but I was still out of it. I looked around, and caught Allison in my field of vision. I noticed something I did not yet know...
   The necklace wasn't on her neck anymore, either.
   My heart was racing at that moment.
   But, then I saw her gasp with horror, and started running. My eyes followed her, and I eventually saw what she was running to. 
   "Mason!" she screamed, "Mason! Stop!"
   I crept my way over to what was happening. Mason had the victor above the ground, only lifted by the collar of his shirt. It was as if my brother was slugging him.
   "Nobody calls my little brother those words besides me, you got that?!"
   The victor plastered a grin on his face, "Whatever you say."
   Mason became outraged then, throwing the victor on the ground, and wanting to beat him up. I decided to step in, and restrain my brother. Daymon was there, as well, and helped me restrain my brother.
   "Wh-What is he saying, Cameron?" Allison looked down at the victor, Cameron, apparently. "What did you say about him?" she pointed at me.
   "Oh, let's not worry about that right now," he gave a devilish glare, "Princess," he smiled evilly at me, knowing it would make me become enraged.
   "That's it, you son of a bitch!" I surprisingly heard Daymon's voice shout out, and he toppled over Cameron, starting to hit and punch him. "I'm sick and tired of you purposefully hurting Skyler just to win this girl's heart! You can't fucking do that!"
   Soon enough, Daymon got up and stormed off. Mason followed him. I couldn't believe the both of them, Daymon and Mason both, were I stood there, observing Cameron and Allison.
   Allison was knelt down by Cameron, holding his hand as he roughly sat up-right.
   "What the hell are you looking at?" Cameron scoffed.
   I stayed silent for a moment, and then exclaimed, "A place where I should be."
   "Oh, yeah?" he snickered, "and where's that?"
   "Next to her."
   Allison never once looked at me.
   Cameron laughed, "Well, it's too late now, buddy. This virgin's all mine."
   Anger boiled inside me then. How sick of him to say such things...How could Allison even bare his words?
   "Allison," I quickly said, "you need to get away from him...You need to stop seeing him."
   "No, Skyler...He's a good person," she still did not look at me.
   "Did you just fucking hear what he said?!" I shrieked. "Don't you understand all that he wants from you?!"
   "He's not like that..." she mumbled.
   Cameron gave a sly grin, and reached for her hair, combing his fingers through it. "So innocent..."
   He snickered once again, "I just can't seem to get my hands off of her."
   How in the fucking hell has Allison put up with all of this?! Why would she stay with him?! I never did such things–!
   I couldn't take it any longer. I jumped him, beating him senseless at that moment. I was so outraged with him saying those terrible things...I could just kill him then and there.
   Allison didn't budge this time, she just watched me continue to brawl with him.
   This time, she looked at me instead of him, even though I could not see her doing so.
   Later on, I had to get restrained by guards– officers. Now, I'm sitting outside the police car on the curb of the road. My brother Mason had to let me lose once again, convincing the officers, being the good persuader he was.
   "Next time, don't get caught," Mason gave a slight laugh, and then off he went, back into town. Daymon stood next to me, hands in his hoodie's front pocket.
   "Sometimes I really worry about you, Skyler...What if you actually end up going to jail?"
   "Oh, that won't happen," I gave a sly smirk, seeing Cameron being escorted by a few officers into the infirmary. The whole time he was being escorted, he gave me a sickening glare.
   "I can win her back," I positively said. "He'll be easy to take down."
   Daymon raised an eyebrow, "How so?"
   "I haven't done all the amount of damage this victor has planned for Allison. She's apparently still oblivious to what his intentions are...I'll make her realize what he wants. I've never even once mentioned the damn subject of myself taking her virginity. And him? Lord, he's all open about it alright. I can't believe she hasn't fucking realized it yet..."
   I sighed, "I'll make her realize what his intentions are. I'll win her heart back. The damage I've done was only mentally, and can easily be repaired...Or so I think. I would never physically hurt her like he's planning to do..."
   "I'll be the victor soon enough."

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