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Two years later!

corbyn's hoodie was draped over a chair, his rushed girlfriend grabbing it as she ran out of the door, keys in hand. christina harris followed a moment later, holding tight to carter's phone. she knew the twenty one year old would be looking for it when she arrived to the concert venue, and she wanted to make sure her friend didn't have to panic more than necessary.

tonight, why don't we were playing madison square garden for the first time as a headliner, and the two girls were racing to get there before meet and greet started. none of the boys knew they were coming, and they wanted to surprise them by showing up in line.

it had been a long two years for the group of seven, and yet it moved so quickly that they couldn't seem to think. why don't we became a pop sensation, being compared to the likes of one direction. carter became a serious actress, becoming the lead role in a netflix original and going on to be in a few movies. her singing career was still there, but she focused more on her acting than anything. christina's beauty collection took off, as did her youtube channel, and before she knew it, she was her generation's zoella. they were only going up, and each of them thanked God for it every day.

"hey, are you ready?" christina asked as they pulled into the venue parking, carter turning off the car and taking a deep breath. carter smiled softly, taking a moment before nodding.

"yeah, super ready. hey, have you seen my-"

"phone? yes, here." christina smiled, handing it to the blonde. carter gave her an appreciative smile, the two leaving the car and heading towards the meet and greet area. security knew they were coming, handing the girls their lanyards as they approached the line. automatically, they were spotted, their faces sticking out in any crowd. they took pictures with fans and signed some things, making fans promise they would wait until after the meet and greet was over to post. they knew the boys wouldn't see their notifications, but they didn't want to risk it.

after a long wait, the two girls finally arrived to the front of the line. they were lucky to not be spotted as they waited for the boys to finish with the fans they were talking to, and the looks on their faces when they saw them were amazing. zach screamed, lunging for carter and hugging the daylights out of her. christina was greeted first by daniel, who hugged her tightly and whispered something in her ear to make her grin. jack hugged them both at the same time, making them laugh with a corny joke. corbyn's hug with christina was warm, and he complimented her outfit before burying his face in carter's shoulder. the couple had been missing each other for much too long. as for jonah, he hugged carter tightly and managed to ask about her grandmother before christina approached, kissing the boy. it was something none of them expected but did entirely, as everyone had always said if she didn't end up with corbyn, she would with jonah.

after their photo, the rest of the night went by pretty quickly. the concert was fantastic, and the girls danced along to every song, singing at the top of their lungs. the boys interacted with them occasionally, one interaction making everyone's attention turn towards carter as jonah pulled her up on stage.

"what are you doing?" she asked, eyebrows furrowed. she knew she wasn't supposed to be up there, not at all. jonah just shrugged, wrapping an arm around her shoulders and bringing his microphone up to his lips.

"okay guys, you know my lovely best friend here, carter anderson," he started, only to be interrupted by zach's objection that she was jonah's best friend. he rolled his eyes, raising an eyebrow at his friend before continuing. "so, anyway, it's a kinda big night for my girl carter. we're playing msg, which is wild, and not only did she come all the way to new york to surprise us, but she didn't know we have a surprise for her as well. so, if you'll remember, you were handed a piece of paper based on your seat number. could everyone hold them up for me?" he smiled at carter's confused look, allowing the stadium a few moments to assemble their signs.

"jonah, what..." she started, tilting her head as the words "will you marry me?" were spelled out by the fans. "corbyn...?"

"hey," he replied from behind her, making her turn around and gasp as she saw him on one knee. "i didn't expect you to be here, but i kind of did- thanks christina- and what better time than the present? i mean, when were sixteen, i told you that i planned on marrying you when i had done enough to make you proud, and i think i have. i love you. marry me?"

"of course, of course, yes!" she grinned, pressing a kiss to his lips as he slid the ring onto her finger before pulling away quickly. "okay, this is your night, finish your show." she let jonah help her off stage, muttering that she loved him as he did so. he grinned at her, returning the words as she took her place back next to christina.

"i love you so much, christina. thank you for doing this. are you sure you're okay with me marrying him?" carter watched her friend with worry, knowing that their friendship wouldn't be affected by christina's answer. it was odd that they dated the same guy, sure, but they were always good about telling each other when they were uncomfortable.

"i mean, is it a little weird to me? yes, because i used to love him, but i'm happy for you. besides, it's all in the past, you know that." christina smiled warmly, and carter wondered how she had gotten so lucky as to have a best friend that was so understanding.

when the concert ended, the two girls made their way backstage, greeting the boys before going with them to their post-show party where they mingled with fans. carter was comfortably talking to some girls who gushed over her ring and how cute she was, and she was enjoying it, sharing looks with christina every once in a while.

eventually, the girls moved to talk to corbyn, one of them saying something to him that made his head shoot up. he looked over at carter, an eyebrow raised as he asked, "hey carter? is that my hoodie?"

"maybe it is," she replied, grinning to herself. after all, it all started because of one.



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