The War of the Poets

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Once upon a time, there was a war between poets. This is a strange tale I tell, but true nonetheless. Here is how it began, as most stories do; talking about doorways and their heights...

Stars_Alight - March 24, 2018
THING I FORGOT TO MENTION: 75% of the shops had doorways that cut off at 5'8 and given that i stand four inches above that it was hilarious but also inconvenient and yes I occasionally walked into a doorway. XD

Silverhand19 - March 24, 2018
Dang short people!! Lol

tarsrife - March 25, 2018
If I were the one building the shop...the door would probably be at 5'

Silverhand19 - March 25, 2018

tarsrife - March 25, 2018
Actually, I'd probably cut it off at 4'8" or shorter :) (I like short things...)

Silverhand19 - March 25, 2018
So basically your shop would be for hobbits and dwarves? No big folk? No elves? That's racist (strictly speaking in LotR terms and only in jest)

tarsrife - March 25, 2018
Yup. I am a hobbit :) If I ever decide to build a house, it's going to be a hobbit hole :)

Slowly, but surely, the topic turned from doorways and houses to Gandalf and hobbits.

Silverhand19 - March 25, 2018
Hahaha nice! Well, I'll play Gandalf and I'll come to summon you on an adventure

tarsrife - March 25, 2018
Don't you dare bring a pack of dwarfs to my lovely hobbit hole...If you do, I'll never let you borrow my pipe again

Silverhand19 - March 25, 2018
Hah! I don't smoke! So I shall not be deterred!!

tarsrife - March 25, 2018
Then you aren't the real Gandalf. Good morning!

Not only that, but Silver decided that I needed to go on an adventure! *gasps* Oh, the horror of an adventure!

Silverhand19 - March 25, 2018
I never said I was the real Gandalf, only that I would play him to lure everyone into a false sense of security before letting them to the impending doom! And do you mean to say that it is a good morning, or that it is a morning to be good on?

tarsrife - March 25, 2018
Well, I'm not Bilbo or Frodo, I'm just a random hobbit. Most certainly not a Took either. I'm a respectable Brandybuck. No adventures wanted here!

Silverhand19 - March 25, 2018
Hah! Merry was a Brandybuck! So adventures can still happen!

tarsrife - March 25, 2018
I was hoping you wouldn't remember my cousin...*sighs*

Silverhand19 - March 25, 2018
I see all (OoO)/

Being the polite hobbit that I am, I did not mention that he made himself sound like the Eye of Sauron, but instead just pointed out that he cheated.

tarsrife - March 25, 2018

tarsrife - March 25, 2018
That's not fair

Silverhand19 - March 25, 2018

At this point, the author of the book we were spam-commenting broke in (and stopped Silver's evil laugh, thank goodness).

Stars_Alight - March 25, 2018

Thinking quickly, Silver answered Stars' question...and a very comforting answer it was to me...your impending doom is always very pleasant to think about, right?

Silverhand19 - March 25, 2018
I'm showing up dresses as Gandalf and taking @tarsrife on an adventure against their will and it will probably lead to their impending doom. Why?

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