chapter 10- my side of the bed

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(Sorry but there's kind of a huge time-skip in this part)

~Damien's POV~

I woke up with the all-too-familiar obnoxious alarm from my phone blaring next to my ear at full volume. I could hear Shayne humming along to a song in the shower.

Grabbing my glasses and slipping them on, i walked to the window. It was a beautiful day outside, sun shining, birds chirping, and our 1-year anniversary.

Our new cat meowed to be fed, standing on the tall cat-castle i built. I smiled and walked over to her and gingerly pet her soft grey head.

Her collar jingled, letting the small purple tag shine. I could see the tiny letters "Izzie" engraved on the front.

It was only after the cat had been fed, my coffee had been brewed, and i had gotten completely ready for the day that Shayne finally got out of the shower.

I watched him emerge from the steam filled bathroom, walking over to me in nothing but a towel and a cheeky smile on his face.

He kissed me, and even after all this time, it still gives me butterflies. I could hear him chuckle as he walked past me.

"You better be ready for work in half an hour or else we're dead, Shayne."
I called back at him.

"Not a chance."

I decided to watch cartoons and sip coffee while i waited, flopping on the couch of our roomy apartment.

After some time, Shayne came into the living room, brandishing his phone in his hand and flipping the screen towards me. A stopwatch read exactly 29 minutes and 55 seconds.

"Son of a bitch."


After an extremely counter-productive day at work filled with wasting all my time (after shooting one solitary gamebang) on Skyrim and useless phone apps, i came home to find Shayne cooking dinner.

"Hey, why are you home so early?"
I asked, snaking my arms around him.

"Matt let us go early after shooting that field trip. I didn't feel like going out to eat with the rest of the squad."

"Whatcha making?"

"Eggs. And toast. With juice."

I couldn't help but to kiss him softly, the way he said that made my heart melt, even if he was just describing dinner. He really has me wrapped around his finger.

When i pulled away from the kiss, we shared a moment of just, this is going to sound cliché but, peace. I could get lost in his eyes and never come back.

I am in love.

We ate in silence, simply enjoying the meal and one another's presences. I felt calm, like nothing could ever make me want to leave this moment. The meal was awesome, Shayne is a surprisingly great cook. Usually i'm the one doing all the cooking, so this was a nice surprise from him.

I suppose it is justified though, seeing as it is our anniversary, and Shayne always delivers, planning incredible dates for our anniversaries on 6 months, 8 months, and 10 months. We decided to take it easy this time and stay home.

After the silent meal, we decided to watch a movie. It became a sort-of tradition, and pretty much every time we had a date, we watched a movie. We hadn't committed to watching a show together yet, because Shayne said it was "Too much of a responsibility for our young minds to handle. Maybe when we're thirty."

We sat down on the couch and he pressed play, wrapping his arm around my shoulder and planting a soft kiss on my forehead. Izzie curled up in my lap, and i began to pet her fuzzy grey head.

The movie continued and fifteen minutes in, i started to feel my eyes droop, leaning more into Shayne's shoulder as i crashed.

~Shayne's POV~

I felt Damien go still as he fell asleep on my shoulder, so i turned the movie off. It was really boring anyways, i can understand why he crashed.

I picked him up and prayed that he wouldn't wake up, seeing as he was an extremely light sleeper. I walked him into our bedroom and put him down on his side of the bed under the covers, lying beside him and drifting off.

~Damien's POV~

Shayne is the absolute worst when it comes to sharing his side of the bed. He woke me up by shoving me off the bed on accident and then taking all the covers for himself at 2 AM.


I do appreciate the gesture of him bringing me into our bedroom though; however, why bring me here to kick me off of the bed?


(Sorry for another filler chapter but i promised myself i would update by friday. I have extreme writers block rn and can't think of anything good. I'm also postponing my oneshots book to keep writing this one because of the reads and views. And also: HOLY HECK! WE REACHED 700 READS! Thank you guys so much!- Frogvin)

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