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1.          Any class of substance(s) that blunt the senses, as opium, morphine, belladonna and alcohol. That in large quantities produce euphoria, stupor or coma. When used constantly can cause habituation or addiction and are use in medicine to relieve pain, cause sedation and induce sleep.

2.          Anything that exercises a soothing or numbing effect or influence.


3.          Of or having the power to product narcosis, as a drug.

4.          Pertaining to or the nature of narcosis.



I’m falling, even though I stand on solid ground.

I’m running, even though my legs are bound.

I’m screaming, even though you’ll never listen,

you continue and enjoy as my tears glisten.

I beg you to stop the hitting,

I plead, I bawl and it seems so fitting.

That as you look down and take no heed,

I scream some more of my only need.

Tell me if it seems so stupid,

to think that my voice is all but muted?

Is this the same for everyone?

That we scream so much we come undone?

It is a gift to be left alone,

raised with intention to be thrown.

But I am something to be dealt,

So he will return with the belt.

I try to flee,

and maybe he’ll let me be?

I struggle more it makes it worse,

am I all but a curse?

You ask me, why not stop?

If I do I’m blamed for all his pot.

You ask me, why not run?

Have you ever outrun a gun?

Maybe if I scream loud enough,

the neighbours might believe it’s not a bluff.

But who am I to judge though;

if they too are all my foe?

When I ever get the chance to sit alone,

I can but all wish for a phone.

I imagine the person I would call.

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