Crystal Mountain

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Religions are nothing more than government mind-control mechanisms. Religion and Spirituality are nothing alike. Here is a small breakdown:Religion (and churches) - What a group of people decide what God is And it's always "outwardly", and it's always in the past/future of Ego - What happened thousands of years ago and judgment in the future. If anyone doesn't fully agree with the mental "concepts" of the religion, those people are ridiculed and excluded from the group. No Spiritual experiences whatsoever.Spirituality - Everyone is invited.

And if one is willing to go "INwardly" within themselves all the way, nobody shall be denied. ETERNAL NOW.

Many direct Spiritual Experiences. And be free from the Prison of believing and into the infinite freedom of knowing and be-coming. The ego based thinking human mind can only function in duality. And duality is totally blind to everything when it comes to truths and experiencing them. Therefore, since all philosophies and ideologies come from the totally blind mind, then naturally all beliefs and all philosophies are false - as they all come from duality and in the illusions of time, as time is total illusion when it comes to truths.

Therefore all your philosophies are total shams and worthless. Everything you believe is a total lie, because all beliefs are rooted in fear and fear is total illusion. The fearless believe nothing. Beliefs are nothing more than ego-attachments that blind. Which is what you make up in the blind mind as your identity, and it's all fake. All beliefs / philosophies / ideologies are nothing more than false masks for the false ego. As the ego (which is who you "think" you are), is total illusion. All the ideas of yourself are borrowed, borrowed from those who have absolutely no clue who they are.

The human thinking mind is the source where all the bondage comes from. Truths can never be found there. As your mind is nothing more than the countless lies of society speaking through you, it is not the real you Logic and intellectualism will get you nowhere. Truths are far FAR beyond any logic and any intellectualism as logic is all rigid 90-degree angle thinking, which is anti-nature, anti-creation, anti-love, anti- Soul, anti - Spirit , Anti - Universal multi-dimensional truths that are far more evolved than the extremely limited and totally blind ego-based mind of duality.

Look at it this way... The more that you think, the further away you are from Truths. So instead of thinking outside of the box, get rid of the box altogether. In a holographic Universe there are no boxes to think outside of. Enlightenment is the complete and total destruction of everything you thought to be true..

Enlightenment is the complete and total destruction of everything you thought to be true..

Enlightenment is the complete and total destruction of everything you thought to be true...

Humans are not so much afraid of the unknown, as much as they are afraid of what they think they know coming to a bitter end. "Your reality is limited for the reason that your own understanding about the Universe is limited and incomplete.

People are not afraid of the unknown as much as they are afraid to lose the old false identity illusion beliefs they have created for themselves & everything behind it. That are all lies of ego-attachments. The stupidity of your fear of death and your attachment to life and time causes all your greed, separations, selfishness, delusions, prejudices, ignorance, blindness to Nature, and self-hatred."- The Universe

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