Binge Eater

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Timeskip- 2 months

It had been two months since I had met Rize. It was amazing. We saw each other often and always hunted together. The craziest part? I think I may be in love with her. Whenever she's not around, I feel very sad. No matter how hard work was, no matter how hungry I was, no matter how much I urged to hunt, just seeing her beautiful face was enough to make my day better.

     Today however, was another story. She would commonly lure victims away to that same run-down area, I would follow, and we would butcher the poor wretch and BOOM free food! This time was different though. She was luring that same kid I was hunting when I arrived in Tokyo. She always told me not to get jealous but......something about this just didn't seem right. But I trusted her judgement. We need to be careful though. People had started to get suspicious of me leaving with Rize all the time. She had a reputation, but I didn't care. I love her.

     Touka was on my ass constantly, and not in a hot way either. I know she didn't trust me, but that was only because I was gone during the night. Yomo didn't like me but that was nothing new. Koma was the bro! As usual. Yoshimura was very kind, he taught me how to cook, make coffee, and how to look like I was eating human food. He was like a teacher! What really worried me was Irimi. She always looked so sad whenever I would leave with Rize. I don't know why, but she worried a lot about me. I hated to make her worry. That's the one thing I didn't like about Rize, she enjoyed seeing people (and ghouls) squirm. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed watching an opponent squirm too but......I really liked Irimi. She was the nicest ghoul ever to me, she looked out for me. She always waited for me to get back when Rize and me went out, just to make sure I was safe. I know Rize enjoyed seeing her sad, but I sure as fuck didn't. Irimi knew I loved being around Rize though so she always smiled and hugged me when I left and when I got back. I kissed her on the head like I always did, and we both enjoyed it.

    Rize arrived, and walked over to the boy. He was sitting with a blonde kid. They both frequented Antieku and to be fair, I liked the blonde kid. I didn't know his name but he was always very friendly to me, plus he was funny as fuck. I didn't know much about the quiet boy, beyond his name being "Ken Kaneki". He had yet to make eye contact with me. He looked at me, but would quickly look away once I looked back. Odd.

Regardless of who he is, she left with him. Three long hours passed. I worked Irimi and Touka, serving customers. It was dark out and the store was about to close, I saw Rize walk by the cafe with him, she blew me a kiss through the window and I blew a kiss back. That was my cue.

(Y/n): I'm gonna go take a walk, I'll be back in an hour or two.

Touka: Again?! WHY

(Y/n): Calm down Touka, it's just a walk.

Touka: With that purple haired psychopath!!!

(Y/n): Psychopath!? Why say that?

Touka: SHE KILLS HUMANS COMPLETELY UNPROVOKED!!! She doesn't need to eat that much! AND YOU HELP HER! You disrespect Yoshimura and everyone here by—

(Y/n): SHUT UP!!!

Touka: WHAT!?

Irimi: You two please don't.

(Y/n): Every ghoul isn't fortunate enough to have an uncle that brings them into a shelter! Where they don't have to hunt for food. Where they don't have to join gangs just so they won't be a lonely target!

Touka and Irimi both looked shocked.

Touka: It was ghouls like you and that psychotic bitch that lured the CCG here! Insane ghouls are the reason they took my father away years ago!

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