Chapter 3: Tiffany

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What am I doing?

I look at myself in the mirror, my hair's done up in a beautiful half up half down hairstyle with curled ends and a fishtail braid. I've got this gorgeous dress on that hugs my body in all the right places. I've even got makeup on which is fairly rare for me. Now there's nothing wrong with being all dolled up and beautiful but it's the reason that's wrong. A text from Wesley pops up on my phone's screen, asking me if I'm good to be picked up in ten minutes.

No, I'm not.

I should never have agreed to go to this party with him but I couldn't say no to him. I've never been one for parties really. I've never been one of those popular girls that is used to this life, sure I'm well liked but that's about as far as that ever gets. In fact most of my popularity stems from always being Wesley's plus one.

I put another coat of lipstick on, lipstick that Wesley had bought me last year for our anniversary. He's so perfect it's a wonder he ever stays with me, boring old Tiffany. Tiffany who can run five kilometres easy but can't even get her mark straight. There are so many girls that he could have gone for. One of them being Victoria.

"And the sports captains that have been elected for Year Nine are..." I had waited with a knotted stomach and fists clenched, praying that my name would be called.

"Wesley Campbell." Ah yes my perfect boyfriend as expected, I remember swooning and pictured the sports captain photo we would take together. I knew not to get my hopes up though, a hundred girls had applied for that one spot.

"And Victoria Chan." My heart stopped. Surely not. Of all the girls in Year Nine it couldn't be her. But it was. The perfect girl, in all her glory stepped upon that stage joining my boyfriend as they received their badges and I was left behind. Up there they looked like a perfect couple. It was like they were in full colour and I was just a faded object in the background.

I made a vow to myself then. Victoria could be better than me at anything and everything but she couldn't take away what was mine, Wesley.


"Are you sure about this Tiff?" Wesley asks me as he drives us to the party. His eyes stay on the road but his hand reaches down and grasps mine. It's funny how pale he is, even after spending hours upon hours in the sun. It's quite a contrast compared to my dark olive coloured hands that I had inherited from my mother's family. Our hands fit perfectly though, I would say 'as if they were made for each other' if it wouldn't make me puke from the cheesiness.

"Yeah! Come on Wes, it's just one party how bad can it be." I'm feigning confidence but even I can hear the slight tremble in my voice.

"Are you sure you're sure? Because if you're not I can turn this car right around and we can head to the restaurant just down the street from my house instead." Wesley's trying to help but it's no use. I'm still terrified but I know that I have to face my fears.

"Yeah Wesley I'm sure now stop asking and keep your eyes on the road!" he chuckles and rolls his eyes at me, just to spite me a bit.

I know he's still concerned about me, he knows what happened at the last party I went to last year. Everyone was crazy and dancing to a pulsing beat that they considered music but honestly it just gave me a headache. That part was fine but it was something else. Smooth voice, strong hands...

"Okay Tiff we're here!" Wesley is holding my door open for me, I hadn't even noticed the car stop. I guess I was too lost in my thoughts. The music is pulsing louder than ever but this time I'm going to try and get into it. In a few hours this will all be over and I'll be tucked up in bed fast asleep. No Tiffany don't think like that just enjoy it.

I walk in nervously but steadily holding onto Wesley's hand. I can see people at the doorway already stealing looks at me.

"Oh my god is it really you?" Jasmine my longtime best friend somehow appears right in front of me and gives me a big hug as if she hasn't seen me for months when really it's only been a few hours. Her voice is loud and boisterous, she is the type of girl that is always the centre of attention and revels in it. She's the complete opposite of me. Always seen at parties, always at the core of some rumour, always in the middle of drama. I'd hate that life but she loves it. If it weren't for her I'd probably have disappeared and hid in the shadows for the whole of high school.

"Well I'll leave you two to it then." Wesley plants a kiss on my cheek. "Sorry babe but duty calls." He heads off to his friends who are currently in the middle of an intense round of beer pong, Wesley's always been the champion at it.

"Drink?" Jasmine asks, or at least I think that what she asks judging from her gestures towards the drinks table. How do people even talk with the music up this loud?

I shake my head but Jasmine just pulls me over to it anyway and starts digging through the esky for a can of soft drink. She knows I won't drink alcohol so an insane amount of sugar is the best she can manage.

I cross my arms self consciously and scan my surroundings for Wesley. I spot him in the middle of the rest of his popular friends, always the leader. What I don't understand is the girl next to him that he's got his arm around. Sleek black hair tied into a severe high ponytail that shows off high cheekbones holding up flawless skin. Victoria Chan.

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