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I wrote this in line with the letter from Mingyu that @cheollipops wrote on twitter!! Thank you for the story idea!! I hope you like this!! 😊😊


Wonwoo doesn't even know where to start.

He broke up with Mingyu 3 months ago.

He doesn't regret it.

But he admits it still hurts.

He feels like it's his fault anyway.

He'd always tell him he wanted space.

He'd always tell him he'd rather be alone.

Mingyu did try to tell him that no man is an island and that he would need someone eventually.

Wonwoo was the one who called us off.

Gyu was just too caring.

Wonwoo couldn't reciprocate what Gyu does and it felt like a burden.

He wanted to be alone at that time.

He thinks he just didn't realize how lonely being alone would feel like until they were over.

Seventeen still lives in one dorm.

So of course they still do see each other.

He sees Gyu smile and have fun with the other members.

Without him.

He even sees Gyu smile wider when he's with Minghao and Seungkwan.

Everyday, he pretends as if he's okay.

For Gyu, for the members, and for the carats as well.

But he really misses him.

It's as if he's being stabbed by a thousand knives everyday.

It keeps getting harder to pretend that everything is fine.

He realized that Gyu's scent has come off from his pillow.

He rewatches their videos on his phone just to reminisce about the times he was the reason for Gyu's laughter.

Today, Gyu is leaving in the afternoon for an individual schedule.

He'll be gone for at least a week.

Wonwoo doesn't know what to do.

He didn't like seeing Gyu having a great time with the others without him but he'd hate it more if he doesn't see him at all.

He started pacing in his room.

He's thinking twice if he'd see Mingyu off at the airport or if he should even say something or if he should at least wish him a great trip.

He attempted to knock on Gyu and Minghao's room several times already but kept backing out at the last minute and try to hide himself in his room.

What right does he have to approach Gyu when he was the one who pushed Gyu away?

He'd even only interact with him in front of carats.

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