How To Survive

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Before the abduction...

Harry's POV

I shove my hands in my pockets, trying to keep them warm. but with this bitter cold November wind, it proved to be a challenge.

I look at the shops I'm walking by, seeing nothing interesting. I then catch sight of a coffee shop across the street. I begin to cross, but the sound of a car screeching it's tread makes me stop dead in my tracks. A van is pulled sideways in the road, the driver slumped over the steering wheel.

I break into a run and knock on the window, worried if the man is ok or not. Now that I'm closer, I can see its a teenager, probably just got his license.

I ease open the door and jostle the boy, hoping he's alive. I don't even know what happened, other than the fact I heard squealing tires.

"Hey! are you ok?" I call, shaking the boys arm. his eyes shoot open, a devious smirk on his hauntingly thin face.

"Oh I'm fine alright. But you won't be." His raspy voice says, a throaty cackle at the end. My eyebrows knot with confusion when he throws a punch at my face. Me, having really bad reflexes, gets hit in the nose and falls out of the van. The teenager jumps out, hooks his arms under my armpits and drags me to the back of the van. He opens it and throws me in, slamming the door.

I become swallowed in darkness.

I crack open my eyes when the van hits a big bump, my while body going into the air and landing with a thump. It wasn't until I heard a second thump that I knew I wasn't alone.

I scouch farther away from the sound, pulling my knees to my chest. "Hello?" I whisper, worried of talking too loud. I hear a whimper as my answer and my fearful attitude vanishes.

"It's ok. I won't hurt you, I promise." I whisper, uncurling my legs. My eyes were beginning to adjust to the darkness, enough for me to see the outline of a body.

"What's your name?" I ask, crawling a foot closer. I sit with my long legs stretched in front of me. After a while with no answer, I continue to whisper. "My name is Harry Styles. I'm nineteen and I'm from Cheshire, England. I used to work in a bakery but then I became a singer. I'm part of a band that's not really famous, just popular." I modestly put, because she odviously isn't a fan because she would be all over me by then.

"Sarah." A soft yet sweet voice whispers through the silence that follows my rant. It was almost to faint that I couldn't hear it.

"Come again?" I ask, but I already knew what she had said.

"My name is Sarah." She repeats, sitting up straighter. I smile at her and begin to make out the shape of her hair.

"No, what's your full name?" I ask, a smirk finding it's way to my lips.

"Sarah Lee Smith." She replies and by the sound of her voice, it sounds like she's smiling.

"Nice to meet you, Sarah Lee. Now what kind of predicament do you think we have found our selves in today?" I ask, glancing around at the dark truck. My eyes spot a slot about the size of a mail slot and smile.

"Sarah Lee? Could possibly crawl towards the sound of my voice?" I ask, turning towards her. I hear scuffling and then the sensation of a warm body next to mine. I push the slot and it opens, a ray of light shining through.

"Can you sit in this light so I can see you?" I ask, looking over at her shadow. She crawls over and sits, looking up at me. She is absolutely gorgeous, there's no doubt about it. Her emerald eyes met mine, darker green surrounding the black in her eyes. Her light brown hair is framing her face, slightly curly. Her plump lips from a small smile, making me smile as well.

"Wow." I breath, running my thumb over my lips.

"What? Is there like a mad big spider in my hair or something?" She panicked, her eyes turning a dark grey color. My mouth drops open even further.

"You-your gorgeous." I stutter, gazing at her. "Your not so bad yourself." She replies with a small smile. It was short lived when the van slams on the brakes and we both go flying. My hand slips from the slot and it slams shut and we are thrown into darkness.

The sound of a car door slamming is my only warning before they open the doors. "Act like you don't know me." I whisper to Sarah before the doors are thrown open and I am blinded by light.

The driver grabs me and shoves a handkerchief that smelled really bad under my nose. My vision blurs and the last thing I see is a worried Sarah, eyes wide and her hair blown behind her shoulders.

Hi this is Kaitlyn! What do ya think? This was actually Kylie's idea but she is working on a SECRET new book and so imma wrote this one. it's based off of a Gif so ya. hope ya like it

BIG MOMMA SWISS WANTS YA TO PLEASE VOTE BECAUSE I WILL LOVE YOU FORWVER!!!!!! Plus I'm not gonna update again unless I get three votes! Please?

❤️-Bug Momma Slice O Swiss


HAHA anyways haha just kidding bye

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2014 ⏰

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