-Chapter 1-

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He has been on this particular assignment since Thursday, and it's already Saturday.

Now that he thinks about it, he has been on the same fucking question in this assignment for three days. Even worse.

With that in mind, he decided to fuck it all, and just enjoy the weekend, like how he's supposed to.

As if on cue, his phone lit up and showed a name that calls right on schedule. Almost every Saturday, like clockwork.

"Hello, Forth,"

"Lam's place, 9PM. You want me to pick you up or you going on your own?" Not a hello or not even a where the fuck are you.

Huh. Two can play this game. "I'll bring my car. I'll be there," then hangs up.

Huh! He feels so proud of himself for being able to do that. Well he should be good at it, its been, give or take 7 years, 5 months, 29 days and some hours, in the making. Not that he's counting, he's just hyperaware of these kinds of things, okay.

When he has finished scolding himself of how long he's been, vapidly, holding on to something for too long, he got out of his reverie, banged his head on the study table for good measure then changed his clothes.

He wants to appear put together, but also not trying too hard. You know? Like casual. Handsome casual. Bang-able but not trying to be banged. He checked himself in the mirror one last time then turned around to check his room.

Undone bed with tons of clothes, check. Books littered on the ground and on the study table, check. But no nothing that runs on electricity, is on since all his stuff and he doesn't want to lose anything or worse, burn anything because his life depends on those and if he fails he won't get allowance anymore.

Perfect. The epitome of a room of a college bachelor.

He smiled and locks the door, goes to the parking lot, unlocks his white Honda, then drives to his friend Lam's house.

He just went with his casual clothes today. Sporting a white polo shirt and blue jeans, with his white sneakers. No babes to impress today so just going with the whole bangable-casual thing, sniff.

He finally spots Lam's house and found that they were not a lot of vehicles parked outside, so it could be that person would be already there, or not. He checked his reflection on the rearview mirror, and his hair was still well done, too well done.

We don't wanna appear like we try too much, right? Again, bangable-casual. So he messed his hair up, but not too much as he may appear that he's not out together, so he fixed it up a bit again. When he's finally satisfied with his appearance, he goes out of the car, but not without a loud, heavy intake of air.

"You can do this."

"Act casual."

"Think casual."


He knocks on the door twice, and already someone opens it by no other than who called him up and didn't even bother to say hello. He smiles and is welcomed into the house by a side step, and a one-arm hug.

He felt the tingle from the moment his forearm touched the skin on his nape, and wounded round his shoulder, then their chests touched, but he felt the warmth emanating even with clothes in between their skin.

He is finally released from the hug and as well released the breath he didn't know he was holding, cleared his throat and his head and finally says- "Ai' Forth. You've been here long?"

"Nah. I literally just got here. Come in! Everyone's almost here, but these bastards are already on their second set of beers." Pointing at the crowed gathered at a small round table. With beers lined up perfectly, while the other side is scattering it around.

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