-chapter 2-The Accident

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Chapter 2

Leaves turn gold...

Sky turns silver...

A soft whistling wind sweeps across....

A sweet scent of lavender brought upon...

The tree in the middle sways and shakes...

That's how it always goes.

I stare at the ceiling of my dark room, only the moonlight going through my window, letting shadows fall on the half empty white walls. I woke up during the night and can't seem to go back to sleep. Usually I stay all night in my little mysterious world. 

But today was different.

Thoughts of everyday life flood my already cramped head. I think too much and that does not let me focus enough or fall asleep. I sigh. Why do I always overthink everything? 

So I just lay and think about school, my parents, my sister, and finally I stopped at the thought of yesterday....the day that guy asked me for my phone number. I closed my eyes and smiled. 

David. The boy with the amazing ocean eyes and boyish grin. 

The note. It was so sweet and so original. He really caught my attention and I seem to have caught his, surprisingly. Plus he really was something to goggle at. I just hope that maybe I caught his attention enough for him to call me.

I drifted back to sleep with a small smile of hope on my face. I went back to my place and spent my night at the beach. I relaxed on my makeshift hammock and let the sound of the ocean relax me.

"Islabelle! It's 7:45! School is in 30 minutes! Get up!" Yelled my mom from downstairs.

I groaned and rolled over, sighing. "I'm getting up now!" I screamed back.

"Izzy!" Yelled my sister, barging into my room.

The damn annoying kid.

"What do you want, munchkin?" I ask, opening my heavy eyelids and give an exasperated sigh. I rub my eyes to help me adjust and not fall back asleep. "Have you ever heard of knocking perhaps?"

"Cut it out, I'm just here to help you not fall back to sleep and take something I need." She paced around, looking around my mess of a room. When its hard to find something in a room, it means its time to clean it.

"Whatever. What you want here?" I ask and sit up on my bed.

"Oh I want to borrow one of your hair bows. That new one you got? I haven't seen it." She lifted some clothes off the floor and threw them back down when she didn't find the bow underneath.

I folded my arms and frowned, "now, if you you're going to search for something then I suggest you don't throw my clothes back down. At least put them on my chair so I can deal with them later."

"Oh fine," she grumbled and stuck her tongue out at me.

I laughed at how much of a child she still was. So much for her being fourteen already. 

She ignores me and picks my clothes off the floor and puts them on my chair in a big pile. At least she's doing part of my needed cleaning.

"Happy?" She asks, scrunching her eyebrows together. 

"Of course sis, thanks." I get up and ruffle her hair.

"Hey!" She shrieks

"Your hair is fine. Just brush it."

"I already did but you ruined it again!"

"Quit complaining. Find the bow and go. I need to get dressed fast."

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