Kevin the killer's life story

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Why hello there your new, did you come to play with me, I know a great game we can both play it's called run. Away. From. The. Killer. Doesn't that sound fun to pla- (get shoe through at him by Demonica) "stop trying to scare the reader Kevin" Demonica yells in the background "fine" I said well back to my story it all started out like any other day I woke up and went to school but that day for some reason felt weird I didn't know why but I just brushed off the feeling. But as I was walking in the hallways I had a feeling someone was watching me like in weird way, then I saw who I believe to be Slenderman (I knew about him back then because I have herd stuff) but it couldn't be he was fictional......right? Well I just brushed it off again like I did before, so I went to my class but this time he was closer to the school when I looked out the window, but he sorta looked worried some how I could just tell he was some what worried about something. I didn't brush it off this time I just my eyes on him until school ended then I saw that Slenderman was heading to my house I was quite worried then because I didn't know if he was going to hurt my parents. So I ran home and saw Slenderman standing in the woods across from my house, he look sad or something but then I saw that my house had got broken into, I got really scared so I went looking around my house and saw a something that looked like a devil holding my mom's throat while she is crying for forgiveness I was confused why was she asking forgiveness then I saw my dad on the floor dead from blood loss, I mad really mad, so ran to the kitchen and got a knife. Then I went back to my parents room and tryed to stab the demon but as soon as I stabbed him he hit me on head and told to join him or my mom dies. I didn't want to join him but I didn't want my mom dead, so I got up and grabbed my knife and went stab him once again but this time he dogged it and made he me stab my mom in her heart. She gasped and started to cry saying "you fight, don't surrender" as she slowly started to die then from her last breath she said "I will always love you my wonderful son, always" then she stop breathing and died. I got emotional and started to scream as I was crying then I herd a evil laugh "you are weak" he said in a demonic voice but I just got up look at him in a horrible scary way and attack him nonstop he kept dogging when all of a sudden Slenderman bust through the door and attack the devil looking man. I was shocked at what I was seeing then the devil like man left, but I still didn't know if I could trust Slenderman even if he did save my life, then he turned around to me and ask if I was ok but I just stood there scilent with no response. But I responded quickly "ya I'm fine" then he sighed and said "child I need you to come with me" I was surprised to hear what he just said "what, why?" I just responded then I looked around and remember I don't have a place to stay so I just nodded and went with him to his MANSION! "How do you have such a big mansion, who lives with you" I said all excited. He just laughed and said "I'll introduce you to everyone when we get inside" so we walked in and I just saw a lot people that didn't look normal which was cool but one of the girls took my attention she look a lot like the devil guy who attack my parents. So I kept my eye on her I didn't really trust her but then Slenderman introduced me to everyone and I found out that the girl was called Demonica and that she was daughter of that devil looking guy who his name is supply Zalgo. Now I didn't really trust her but everyone else did were they crazy she is daughter of Zalgo and he is there enemy and my enemy as well. I kept watching her to make sure she didn't do anything too weird but I was caught by the elf guy who name was Ben "watch you doing"he said confused then he said with a smirk  "oh, I know your into Demonica~" "n-no, I just don't trust her since she daughter of Zalgo" I said with a little blush and mad "ok good because I called dibs on her" he said with a smirk "you do know that is kinda rude?" I said with a weird look but he just walked away all proud but I'm pretty sure he didn't even here what I said before he left. So I kept watching her until she noticed that I was watching her so she came to me "why do you keep watching me!?" She said with a angry but confused look, I just stood there quite and blushing with embarrassment then she said "yes,I knew you were watching me since you got here" I just replied "uhh" "at first I thought you were just curious, but you just watching me even after 2 weeks, which is a while to get used to me, but I just don't understand why do you keep watching me like I'm some sort of monster, we are all not normal here alright so stop watching me okay" she said this in a normal voice then it went all demonic at the end, but after she said that she started crying and ran to her room. Everyone just look at me in surprise and in anger, the guy who had a cut smile, who was called Jeff the killer, came tords me and grabbed my shirt then pulled me up to his face, that was angry as fuck, and said "YOU MADE DEMONICA CRY, WHICH IS HARD TO DO, SO YOU BETTER GO. AND. SAY. SORRY. YOU UNDERSTAND ME" he said this to me so fucking mad then he threw me to floor then I herd "sure me and her fight a lot, but that doesn't mean I don't care for her alright, so go and say sorry.....please" he said this with a sort of sad face and walked away then everyone just stood there in amazement but look at me then a girl with a white mask on, who was Jane the killer, said in amazement  "you made Demonica cry and you made Jeff say please without force, what the fuck!!! You are something kid, but go say sorry before Slenderman comes and finds out" then she said that in a worry and nervous voice. So I went Demonica's room and knocked but she just yelled "GO AWAY" in a demonic voice but I just took a deep breathe and said "'s me Kevin, but anyway look I'm sorry for watching you it's just your daughter of Zalgo-" "so that doesn't mean you get to stare at me just because he is the Slenderman's family enemy!" she said this with a sad voice "no, it's not that it's just" I paused not wanting to remember what happened that day "just what" she said kinda annoyed "it's just my family was killed by Zalgo and you were daughter of him and that just made me uncomfortable or something like that" I said this in sad way "oh" she said this kinda sad but it sounded like she was sad for me "but I am really sorry, just so you know" I said this still quite sad then she opened the door and hugged me "I am truly sorry for what Zalgo did" then I hugged back and started crying then I started to laugh but Demonica un hugged me and tilted her in confusion "why are you laughing?" "Oh, it's just I remember what Jeff did" I said in a smile "what did he do?" She said wanting too know "he was the one who made me come up here and tell you sorry" I said this still laughing but she just blushed wildly "r-really!" She said with a little smirk still blushing "ya and he said please too without force" I said with smile "wait, you made Jeff say please!?!" She said surprise "well more like you made him say please" again I said in smile then just blushed smiling then she hugged me say "thank you so much for saying sorry and telling me why you were watching me" she said this with relief and I just blushed then she said "I will never let Zalgo hurt you or your new family" she said this with a smile then I just started to tear up then she asked in worry "why are you crying" "because you said my family" I said still tearing up "oh I'm sorry-" "don't be sorry I like it when I'm called family" I said smiling and tearing up then just hugged her and she hugged back. And ever since that day I have "HAD A CRUSH ON HER" Ben screamed laughing "SHUT UP BEN" I say blushing "I DON'T HAVE A CRUSH ON HER" I say still blushing of embarrassment, well back to what I was saying I have had been good friends with Demonica and all the others in are house hold. And I have been living here to this day, so I hope you liked my life story and I will see you later bye. Unless you still wanna play my game- "stop trying to make people play your weird game Kevin" Demonica says annoyed "ok ok fine" well anyway fare fell reader see you soon "stop trying to scare them Kevin" Demonica yells "*laughs* ok" bye.



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Sorry I forgot to color in the shoes but I hope you like the picture 

Thank you very much for reading and I have one more creepypasta character then that will be it but I will be writing a new book about the creepypastas characters living with the creepypastas and no it will not include the reader the next book after that book will include the reader. Ok thanks again for reading 

Talk to you soon

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