The Heist Pt. 2

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The bullet had ripped lots of flesh, I think there were more than one. I couldn't move the leg, I needed Dan to help me. However he just stared. Phil came up next to him and smiled at me.
"Doing alright there? Can you move?" He asked.

"Not well but I could probably get to the car without too much help. Help would still be nice." I answered.

"Good luck." Dan replied.

"What? Dan? What do you mean?" I was confused.

"He means good luck getting to the car." Phil said. With that Dan shot my other leg.

It hurt, this one felt like an entire bowling ball fell on my leg.

"Goodbye Y/n, it was nice knowing you. Finish up Darling. I'm going to go out to the car." Phil kissed Daniel's cheek and left.

"Look Y/n, I'm sorry. If you want an answer to why I chose you, I have two reasons. One, because you're easy, you didn't put up resistance. I was able to play you like a pawn. The other reason? Phil chose you." Daniel half laughed, half sighed.

"Please.." I mumbled

"If it makes you feel better, you were really cool, I'd totally hangout when you get out of jail. Anyways the police sound close, I'll maybe see you later." Dan waved and walked away.

I started crying. The sirens closed in and I heard yelling. Two police men saw me and grabbed me. They picked me up and brought me to the car. I was raving about Dan and how Phil put him up to it. Dan loves me, and I know that. Phil had done this, he probably threatened Dan. Dan wouldn't have done that. He loves me too much. He's said multiple times he loves me, he wouldn't lie, right?

3 more parts or so.

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