Chapter 25

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Chapter 25 (This chapter is unedited)


There are times in a perons life when they realize the situations they have gotten themselves in, yet there is nothing they can do about it. It’s the helplessness about it that makes them feel powerless in their position.

For me, this was one of those times.

I looked around the large room at what little stuff I’d acquired since my stay with the Underground Pack and sighed. Now it was all mingled in with Daniel’s stuff. Our close hung together in the nearby closet; his and hers. My books next to his on the nightstand and in shelves. And I’m sure if I brought myself to investigate it, I’d find both of our toothbrushes together in the bathroom.

 I immediately took strong dislike to the room. This wasn’t my room and it never would be. This room was a liar, filled with promises of an ordinary life of an ordinary couple. In no way were Daniel and I ordinary. And not because of our species, but because we weren’t a couple; at least not in my eyes.

I suspected though, that in Daniel’s, we were.

Though I knew this day would eventually come, where I’d have to share the same room and bed with him, nothing could ever really prepare me for it. I didn’t love him the way he wanted and it made me feel wrong. I could lie with him knowing I was caring the unborn child of the man I loved inside me.

I had to fight back another wave of nausea. I was internally thankful to be standing so close to the door to use the handle as support.

I tensed at the warm hand the came in contact with back. I knew who’s it was from his smell that I’d come to get used to; Peppermint and dirt. It was nothing like Kieran’s smell of earth and soap and the faint cologne he wore when going out.

I exhaled like someone had punched me in the gut; all the air leaving my lungs. I didn’t realize how much I yearned for his scent until now. Just the thought of it made my eyes water with expelled emotion.

No, Claire. Don’t show it. No emotion is better than being read by your enemies.

“You are looking worse than half an hour ago,” Daniel stated.

I removed my hand from the door and wiped a cold sweat from my brows and forehead. I know I couldn’t have looked very attractive at the moment. I couldn’t have been more grateful for that fact either.

“Maybe you should lie down,” he suggested.

Yeah, maybe.

He helped me over to the bed and sat me on the end of it. I propped myself up on my knees. My hands clutched them firmly.

“You probably want to change clothes too,” he added. He walked over to the closet and pulled out a pair of white pajamas with matching top and bottom. I referred to them as my insane asylum wear. Everything I owned was white; apart from my training close which were merely gray sweats. The only actually clothes that I owned were the ones I wore when I was taken and was graciously allowed to keep.

I suppose that was Daniels doing. I couldn’t imagine Axel caring enough to give them back.

“Thanks,” I muttered to Daniel as I took them and stood up. I pushed myself forward to the in suite bathroom and closed and locked the door behind me. Turning back around, I faced the pristine bathroom.

Everything sparkled; the tub, toilet, sink, and shower. They must have had an excellent maid service. Every inch of the room had been scrubbed.

My eyes drifted back to the shower and reached out for it. It was a wide, white tiled shower surrounded in glass walls and a glass door. In two corners were shelves with soaps, shampoos and body washes. The tile cubed room called out to me.

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