Roy's Arrival

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Roy stared at the contents of the back of his car, otherwise known as all his worldly possessions, as he got ready to leave and start a new chapter of his life in Texas. A few suitcases, a goldfish, and some nicknacks he'd picked up along the way was all Roy had to show for 37 years on this earth. Not that he cared much. He just hoped that in this next adventure hew would find something more meaningful. And hopefully more permanent. Roy had moved around a lot throughout his adult life, between being a substitute teacher for various schools, moving in and out of shitty apartments and having different groups of friends he had never stayed anywhere long enough to call it home. The closest he had to this was his two best friends D.J and Willam, who were waiting anxiously by his car. But he was getting to old for his life to focus around parties and drinking, hence him taking up the teaching job in a Milford, Texas. He hugged his two best friend and set off on the road. Next stop- new beginning.

As soon as Roy arrived the new town he realised how foolish he had been. It was shit. His house was tiny, and next door to the most bigoted prick he had ever met. The town looked as though it had been left abandoned for years. Hopefully the school would surprise him, he thought as he approached the front steps. He eventually found his way to the Vice Principals office where a student with a black eye was in the process of being scolded.

"It's time for you to leave kid, you've been cluttering up my office for half the day." The small woman behind the desk, who Roy presumed to be the Vice Principal, shooed the boy away.

"The nurse said that I need to sta-" The boy protested. Roy looked the boy up and down. He was tall with beautiful black collar length hair and one hell of an "I don't give a fuck" attitude. If it weren't for the black nail polish and distressed tee, Roy would've presumed the kid to be quite the chick magnet. Although he was guessing that he has his mind set elsewhere.

"I don't care what the nurse said you've gotta go." The kid was holding an ice pack to his bruised and swollen cheek. He clearly wasn't fit to go back to class, and any sane teacher would be in the process of hunting down whoever did this to such a sweet angel. Wow. Calm down Roy.

"I hope you don't mind me interjecting", Roy took the gap in the conversation as an opportunity to begin speaking. "But I really don't think this kid should be going anywhere". The boy smiled bashfully and looked at his feet.

"Actually, Sir, I do mind." Said the woman behind the desk. "This particular kid has been a problem for the school for some time, and I'd like him to leave my office now." The boys face snapped up and into a frown.

"Problem? Fuck that, I just mind my own damn business and keep to myself but somehow still managed to get beat up left right and centre. I never ask for it. You can fuck all the way off if you think I'm the problem here."

Yes! Kids got some balls! Roy was trying to suppress a smile at not only the kids outburst but his language. He also felt kinda sad that the kid clearly needed help and vowed to do whatever he could to help him out of whatever mess he was in.

"Okay, that's it. Detention after school for one hour every night this week, starting tonight." The kids eyes started to well up with tears and Roy just wanted to hug him. He watched as the kid picked up his raggedy, punk rock looking satchel off the floor and stomped away, muttering an array of colourful language under his breath. What a lovely introduction to the school.

"So what can I do for you, as you can see I'm a very busy woman so keep it quick." The woman behind the desk looked at him and began tapping her foot impatiently on the floor. Rude.

"Hi. You must be Debbie Ward! Im Roy Haylock the new science teacher." Roy tried to suppress his anger towards the woman and held out his hand for her to shake. She ignored the offer and immediately began speaking.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2018 ⏰

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