Chapter 11

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Sam's POV

I woke up and checked my phone. '8:49' it read. I groaned, I knew I wasn't going to be able to go back to sleep. I rolled over and stared at the sleeping face of Jaide. I sighed sadly.

I stepped out of bed. I threw on some clothes and played with my messy hair.

I took one last look at Jaide. I considered kissing her on the cheek, but it wouldn't be right. I felt bad, she doesn't even know what's coming. She thinks everything will work out, but it won't.

I stepped out the door and walked downstairs. Kian was eating some cereal.

"Did you even sleep?" He asked.

"No, I couldn't. How can I sleep when she's right there next to me, thinking everything's okay?" I grabbed a bowl and walked to the fridge.

"I still don't know what to do. Things haven't really been the same since Connor. I mean, she cheated on me with one of my best friends. Things won't be perfect after."

"You could do it." I said while pouring milk into my bowl. "It's not my thing. And I feel like things have been slipping too."

"I love her so much. I can't do it. I won't!" Kian said, throwing his spoon.

I picked up the spoon and walked over to him. I sat down and handed him his bowl. "She doesn't deserve to be hurt again."

He nodded and we ate our cereal in silence.

Everyone slowly started to wake up and come downstairs. I sat on the couch and turned on the TV, not paying attention.

Jaide and Sophie jumped down the stairs together, laughing. Jaide sat down next to me.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

I shook my head.

"Cheer up, babe!" She smiled and poked my cheek. She started to lean in, as to kiss me. I turned my head to the side. I got a quick view of Kian and Sophie being all lovey-dovey.

I turned my head to the TV, I could see Jaide frowning out of the corner of my eye. It hurts me to do this.

"What's wrong?" She asked again.

"I need to talk to you."

She nodded and we walked outside to the back porch. I sat down in a chair and she sat next to me.

"Tell me what's wrong." She said.

"I can't do this anymore. Not with this tour. I can't do it."

"Do what?"


Kian's POV

I saw Jaide and Sam walk outside. I felt bad for him, but everyone knew it was coming. Everyone except Jaide.

I looked out the window that let to the porch. They were talking, and then I could see Jaide's tears. They continued to talk, then Jaide nodded and walked away. I could hear the door open and I turned back to Sophie.

"It happened, didn't it?" She asked.

"Yeah. I'm just glad we're staying together through all of this." I grabbed her hand and kissed her cheek.

She smiled, "Me too. But now, we have friends to comfort."

Jaide walked past quickly and went upstairs, but I could see her crying.

I got up and walked to the back porch. Sam was sitting with the head in his hands resting on his lap.

I sat down next to him and placed my hand on his back.

"I'm sorry, Sam. You did what you needed to."

He pulled his face away and nodded. His face was tear-streaked and his eyes were red,

"We leave tomorrow, then you'll be happy. A whole month going over the country and meeting fans. You won't even think about it."

He nodded again. "I doubt that."

"It'll be okay. C'mon, lets go play FIFA or something."

We went upstairs, passing by Jaide and Sam's old room. Jaide's head was in Sophie's lap, and she was shaking. Probably from crying. Sophie caught my eye and shrugged,

We walked into my room and sat down in two beanbags in front of the TV. I put in the game and we began to play.

Sam won, because he had so much anger it helped him.

"Do you know if Grace and Trevor broke up? Or Kyla and Jc?" He asked me.

"Trevor and Grace are staying together, but not Kyla and Jc. There's ended last night."

I replied

"We're just one sad house." Sam muttered.

We continued playing FIFA.

Sam's POV

The entire day was pretty awkward. We went out to dinner all together. Jaide and I kept stealing glances at each other.

I walked into the bedroom around 10. She was laying in the bed, stroking Jam. The sight of the cute little dog made me smile. She was watching something on the TV, and she didn't see me.

Jam noticed I was standing in the doorway. He barked and ran to me. Jaide looked up.

"I'll sleep on the couch." I went over to grab a pillow off the bed.

Jaide reached out softly and touched my hand.

"Lay with me." She said.

I climbed into the bed next to her. I put my arms around her and we just laid there. She traced her fingers across my hands.

"I do love you so much. And this is so hard for me." I said.

"Don't be sad on your tour."

"I can't control that." I said.

"Well try. For your fans. And for me."

"I will."

Jam ran and sat down on top of us. We both laughed.

"I love you too." Jaide said. "Have fun on your tour."

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