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Third Point of View


"On the clearest of nights, when the winds of the Etherium were calm and peaceful, the great merchant ships with their cargoes of Arcturian sura crystals felt safe and secure. Little did they suspect that they were pursued by - pirates. And the most feared of all these pirates was the notorious Captain Nathaniel Flint."

The narrator, with the deep raspy voice, spoke to 8-year-old you and Jim through the hologram book. Both of you are snuggling up together while watching the story play out.

" Fire!" screams the voice of the evil Captain Nathaniel Flint. As the little hologram characters on the other ship gasped, so did you and Jim.

"Aah!" a scream was heard throughout the story.

The narrator continued the story," Like a Candarian zap-wing, overtaking its prey--"

Then the creaking of a door could be heard in the background.

Then a woman's voice was heard yelling out," James Pleiades Hawkins and (Y/N) (Y/M) (Y/L)!" You and Jim hid more into the sheets. The voice belonged to Jim's mom - Sarah Hawkins," l thought you were asleep an hour ago. l thought both of you were asleep an hour ago." Ms. Hawkins strode off to the bed where you and Jim peaked up from the sheets.

" Mom, l was just getting to the best part," Jim spoke wantingly. Then Ms. Hawkins looked over at you and raised an eyebrow. You giggled and nodded your head quickly. "It's true, Sarie." (your nickname for Jim's mom)

"Please?" the both of you asked simultaneously with big puppy eyes.

"Oh, can those eyes get any bigger?" Ms.Hawkins questioned sweetly, looking back at you and Jim.

"Scootch over." Ms. Hawkins playfully chimed as she got to the side of the bed by Jim. Now all of you squished together on the bed start back up the hollow book. The story glitchs than starts up again starting with the narrator's voice," a Candarian zap-wing, overtaking its prey. Flint and his band of renegades swooped in out of nowhere."

"Ha ha ha ha!" Jim laughed, standing up on the bed. Then, plopping back down on the bed next to you, giving you a side hug. While your cheeks flared red, luckily it was dark so he couldn't see.

The narrator continued as the hologram followed along. " And then. gathering up their spoils vanished without a trace

" Ooh!" all three of them gasped in awe while looking at each other.

" Flint's secret trove was never found, but stories have persisted that it remains hidden somewhere at the farthest reaches of the galaxy stowed with riches beyond imagination--the loot of a thousand worlds."

You and Jim then took a deep breath and spoke at the same time as the narrator. " Treasure Planet."

" How do you think Captain Flint did it, Mom?" Jim asked with an adorable smile. You chime in excitingly," How'd he swoops in out of nowhere and vanished without a trace?" You and Jim jumped up on the bed and slid under the covers almost as if trying to preform a disappering act .

" I have no idea," Ms. Hawkins said, trying to get a hold of you and Jim. "Come here, you, you li-" Ms. Hawkins went to grab you and Jim as you both were bouncing around on the bed.

" I' m gonna get--oh!" Ms. Hawkins tackled down Jim, and you went to save him. Giggling and having fun, play fighting with Jim and his mom.

It was always fun for you when you have moments like this with them. Mrs. Hawkins took you in at a young age. You never really knew your family, your biological family. But, to say the least, you loved the Hawkins family. Ms. Hawkins said you were the missing piece to them when Jim's father was away.

" OK, now it's time for this little spacer to go to sleep." Ms. Hawkins softly speaks as she goes to tuck you and Jim into bed.

" You think somebody will ever find Treasure Planet?" you asked innocently.

" Sweetheart, l thinks it's more... like a legend." Ms. Hawkins smiles gently.

" l knows it's real," Jim says, grabbing your hand. You look over and smile at him, the faint blush returning on your cheeks.

" You win. it's real." Ms. Hawkins gives in and laughs a bit.

" Nighty-night, Mom," Jim speaks up.

" Nighty-Night Sarie," you say while snuggling into the blankets and Jim.

" Nighty-night, sweethearts," Ms. Hawkins says as she turns off the lights.

" l loves you." You and Jim chime.

" Love you, too." Ms. Hawkins says.

She shuts the door softly, but it wasn't long before you, and Jim looked at each other and nodded. Jim grabbed the hologram book, and you burrowed underneath the sheets. Jim opened the book, and the story started again.

" There are nights when the winds of the Etherium so inviting in their promise

of flight and freedom made one's spirit soar!"

At that moment, you looked over at Jim, and that was when you knew you loved him.


Hey mi peeps!! Disney_Reader here!!

I just finished my first chapter hoped Y'all enjoyed 😝👍 I'm sorry it's not too long, but I hope you like it. I'll try to update as much as I can.

Love you all ❤😻

Love you all ❤😻

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In the Stars: Jim Hawkins x Reader *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now