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Nagisa swung his legs off the side of the hospital bed and got to his feet. Korosensei began to lecture Nagisa but was soon cut off by a knife flying past his head. He looked in the direction of the airborne weapon and Nagisa seized the moment, pulled a gun from under his pillow and fired it at Korosensei. Nagisa lowered his weapon to see if he hit his target or not and sighed when he saw Korosensei holding a kerchief with a pellet in between his fingers. Korosensei narrowed his beady eyes at Nagisa,

" you're not actually sick, are you? ",

he asked. Nagisa raised an eyebrow,

" you didn't realize that sooner? ",

he answered with another question. Korosensei felt both awestruck and proud. He was surprised that Nagisa would go so far for an assassination attempt and he was proud of how well-put-together it is. His parents don't even know.

" You get full marks... And bonus marks! This truly is an amazing attempt! Spectacular job, Nagisa! ",

Korosensei exclaimed with pride. Nagisa smirked,

" who said this was an "attempt" maybe I may actually get you this time. ",

he said cockily, to which Korosensei laughed as green stripes appeared on his face. 

" You can try. ",

Korosensei fired back. That was enough of an invitation for Nagisa, he needn't any further instruction. 

Nagisa flashed Korosensei a fake smile and threw another knife at him, that one was pulled from a harness on his thigh. Korosensei caught the rubber death machine in his hand with a kerchief. He smirked at Nagisa, thinking about how much of a challenge it'll be for Nagisa to kill him. 

Just as Korosensei was about to drop the knife, Nagisa tore off his hospital gown and threw it on the floor. Korosensei began to panic until he realized that Nagisa was wearing a black tank top and beige shorts that from their appearance, may be for girls. And buckled all around his body were weapons of all sorts, on both of his thighs were knives, under his arms were two guns, fully loaded, on his chest were two sashes of B.B-filled grenades and on his back, a hand-made Anti-Sensei sword made from melted Anti-Sensei knives. 

Korosensei whistled, 

" Even more marks, for you, Mr Shiota! ",

he said, astonished. Nagisa snickered and walked up to Korosensei and picked up the knife Korosensei dropped in a panic due to the removal of his gown. He stayed in his bent position in front of Korosensei for a few seconds before lashing a knife at him. It managed to scrape his torso and cut some of his skin. Korosensei began to freak out at the cut Nagisa put on his uniform. Nagisa took that opportunity and sliced off a tentacle, erupting more panic from the octopus-creature-thingy. Nagisa felt bad for doing such things to Korosensei, but he knew they had to be done. And... Better Nagisa than Karma, everyone knows he'd torture the life out of Korosensei before killing him.

Nagisa dropped the knife and in one swift movement, he drew his pistol and fired it, aiming at Korosensei's heart.

Nagisa didn't get into the proper shooting stance and fell when the gun kicked back. He felt a numbing pain in his hand and quickly realized that when the gun kicked back, it cut his hand. And it cut deep. 

He groaned and looked at Korosensei, to see if he shot and killed him or not.

Karma sat in the back seat of Nagisa's mom's car, trying not to listen in on the conversation she's having with Nagisa's dad. From the little bits and pieces, he's hearing, they're going back to the hospital tomorrow morning when the visiting hours begin. He felt like absolute shit and wanted to cry, but he was waiting to do that later when he's alone in his hotel room. 

" Karma, dear, do you want to come with us? ",

Nagisa's mom asked. Karma nodded his head,

 " I'd love to. ",

he answered. He wasn't the greatest at communicating with his friend's parents, but he could at least have a decent conversation with Nagisa's. And right now, they really needed a distraction from all of the depressing thoughts they're thinking. 

Nagisa's mom smiled and continued driving. She started tapping her fingers on the wheel to the beat of the song on the radio. Her eyes had tears that threatened to spill, but she tried to keep them at bay, she was driving after all. 

Karma stared out of the car window, his elbow resting on the door. He watched as the other cars passed them on the highway. Then something in his mind clicked,

' How'd his parents get here so quickly? They were all the way in Tokyo, this is Okinawa, an island hours away from the city... ',

he pondered. He raised his head and looked over at Nagisa's parents, they looked like they were in so much pain. But it made a whole lot of sense, their son was dying in a painful manner. 

" How'd you guys get here so quickly? We're quite far from Tokyo... ",

Karma pointed out. Nagisa's dad looked at Karma from the mirror above the windshield,

" We were called and asked to pick Nagisa up, they said that there was an accident at the resort and all of the students were getting sent home... But when we got there, we were the only parents there and we got another call and we were told Nagisa was in the hospital... ",

he answered. He sounded confused, like he didn't understand what had happened to them. 

" Huh... ",

Karma mumbled. He began to think more into the situation, finding that the more he tried to understand, the less everything made sense. He was losing his ground, and that made him panic. He pulled out his phone and sent Nagisa a text asking about how he was feeling.

Nagisa began to squirm as Korosensei wrapped his tentacles around him,

" K...Korosensei! They said you can't hurt us! ",

Nagisa yelled out. He couldn't breathe, Korosensei was clinging onto him too tightly. Nagisa was panicking for a little bit until he realized that he could use this situation to his advantage. He pretended to pass out and slumped his head down to the side, closing his eyes. When Korosensei snapped out of his trance, he began freaking out, placing Nagisa down on the hospital bed and checking for any signs of life. And thank God, he was alive. 

As Korosensei was thinking about a way to wake him up, Nagisa threw a knife at him, hoping that it would hit him this time.

Happy Easter, Y'all!!

I hope you have a good Easter and don't forget, Allah sailed with the ten commandments and The Star Of David today, so don't take Kali's sacrifices in vain, you heathen. (jk) ((don't hate me)) (((it's just a joke)))



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