In the Way

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I felt a dark smile steal over my face as the crew cheered. "Hey, Captain, how far do you think you can throw that?"

He raised an eyebrow, following my finger straight up. The top half of the building was still floating in his room. "Farther than you can throw an apple, I'm sure."

"Oh good. Falling buildings could be Yannick's fatal weakness." I could almost have mistaken the small twitch of his mouth for genuine amusement. Several of the crew also snickered as they recalled my little project.

I did take a moment to appreciate the fact that Law wasn't mad that I threw an apple at him while shouting 'An apple a day keeps the doctor away'. He could have been pissed, especially since I actually managed to hit him. Hard.

"Tact." With hardly a twitch of his finger, Law sent the building flying. Dead silence was followed by screams just before it landed squarely on top of the small marine base.

We didn't need to be told to follow Captain Speckle as he swaggered through the town. Smoke rose from our destination, precluding the growing fire. The falling building had completely flattened our target, along with several nearby lamp posts and half of the supermarket.

Marines and civilians scurried around, trying to help as many of the wounded as possible. Some were attempting to rush into flaming hollows which hadn't fully collapsed yet, while others were actually shoveling snow onto they pyre as if that would make a difference.

Eyes slowly turned in our direction. Most of the present civilians scattered to preserve their own lives, though a few took up whatever weapons they could find within the five seconds it took us to sweep down upon them.

Law amused himself by dismembering everyone in his reach and making small monsters out of them. The crew engaged with marines and brave (or stupid) civilians. I hung close to the captain, having no weapon of my own and seeing no reason for me to join the chaos. Instead, I scanned the faces for Yannick.

"Oi!" I cupped a hand over my mouth, calling into the crowd. "Jerk-face! Где вы?"

"English, please." Law didn't even sound annoyed that I had shouted in my language. It was just smooth order. Comparable to a simple statement.

It didn't require anything from me.

From the smouldering cave that had once been a grocery store staggered a broad shouldered man and three smaller forms. Yannick snarled at us, brandishing a perfectly white, sheenless sword. It looked like the same material as all of the gifts he used to give Mom.

"Trafalgar! I told you to leave."

Law gave the other captain a sideways grin. "I don't take orders. I give them."

I couldn't help but snicker. The idea of Yannick attempting to control Captain Speckle was nothing short of hilarious, if only because I knew that Law would do the opposite out of spite.

Yannick's attention was drawn to me for the first time. His eyes widened slightly before narrowing to a definite scowl. "Hhnnnnrr. What are you doing here, Andromeda?" He searched my face for signs of damage. For evidence that he had hurt me. "I thought you were going home."

All I could do was smile. "I did. To the Polar Tang."

His nose scrunched up, pulling at his lips. The air shifted. Instinct drove me. I shouldered in front of Law, barely deflecting Yannick's sword. As the back of my hand knocked into the flat of the white blade, snow exploded where the marine captain had been standing.

His dark, murderous eyes widened slightly when he realized I was in the way. My left hand was already moving forward, fingers relaxed. Time moved so slow. My nails brushed his cheek. Like molasses. Thumb forward. There was no emotion. Just a quiet certainty. "Don't touch my family."

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