Chapter Ten

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Usually I'm asleep when Rob leaves for practice on days I don't have morning class, but my cramps woke me up before he had to get ready. Trying not to wake anyone up, I padded out into the kitchen to make tea and take some advil.

The two Penguins were awake or awake enough to make it to practice alive.

"I'll see you later, Scar," Rob lazily kissed my forehead before grabbing a banana.

"I have class noon to four and I work five to closing."

"I'll drop by your house after I get back from practice. I love you."

"Love you too."

"Thanks Scar, but I have a girlfriend," Beau laughed.

"Piss off Bennett." I rolled my eyes. He would.

I had assumed Drew was still asleep, so I made myself a bowl of cereal and kept quiet until I heard her footsteps going to the bathroom. Next thing I knew, I could hear her throw up.

"Poor thing," I quietly said to myself as I filled a glass of water for her and waited outside the bathroom.

She opened the door and looked surprised. I held out the glass of water and asked, "How far along are you?"

Drew took the water and gulped it down, "Around six weeks."

"Come on, let's go talk about it," I nodded towards the kitchen. I refilled her water before hopping on the counterspace across from where she was sitting.

"Does he know?"

"No. I don't know how to tell him. He's barely 24, he doesn't want a kid," she was visibly upset, but who wouldn't be?

"Beau loves you, he really does. He wouldn't mind a child, but that would mean you would have to leave your job in California to come work here, if you could work.. And he doesn't want to make you do that. He really just wants you to be happy."

"What if I want to be with him, here?"

"Then you tell him that you're willing to move to be with him. Love is all about sacrifices. Just tell him, I'm sure he'll be excited. Scared, but excited. He's really calmed down since I've known him. I think he really wants to be with you."

She stared at the floor, unsure what to think. I wished I could stay with her longer, but I needed to get home before class.

"How did you know?"

"Robert told me about that one night. You don't seem like the kind of girl that wouldn't turn down a good time. I actually have to head home, will you be okay until Beau gets back?" She nodded, but I wasn't thoroughly convinced, "Well, my number is written on a sticky note in the junk drawer if you need anything."

I drove home thinking of everything that was happening lately. I constantly had doubts about my relationship, but at the end of the day we love each other and that's all that really mattered, right?

I stepped inside my house. It was weird being here alone, it used to happen all the time. Now, Robert is usually with me. I shot him a text, hoping he would see it soon.

<< So uhh.. Drop Beau off and get over here.

>> What's wrong?!

<< Just to it. Bring chocolate too.

Twenty minutes later, he showed up with a big bag of Hershey hugs and a coffee.

"Beau wanted coffee."

"Beau's gonna need a spiked coffee here soon," I mumbled.


"So after you two left, I was drinking my tea and Drew got up.. And lost the contents of her stomach."

Sure Feels Right // R. BortuzzoWhere stories live. Discover now