My Secret Code Was Too Long

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    We lie back and forth, but from time to time, there are moments of clarity; my own ruthlessness really living. I'll break him into pieces with honesty. Of course, these instances lack all elements of anything poetic; rather,I find myself inclined to vomit words at him until he responds. I'm not crazy. Animalistic. Raw. Emotional. I'm just trying figure things out... I'm not crazy.

    I used to smoke menthols when shit got out of hand. It only lasted for a week. It had to be menthols because I don't know how to use a lighter. That's me. I'm no god of fire. What man is?

    I'm so confused, but widening my wounds isn't making it any better. They're all in my head anyway. It's fine. He's six miles away. I can still smell his jacket; hear the way he wheezes when he laughs too hard at his own jokes. The sensation is just too much. Sometimes I think I'll snap one day, but unlike my companions, I'll suddenly become an entirely functional human being. Go figure. God takes Adderall. I'd just-as-well do without, thank you.

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