Prolong-Sasuke and Naruko: Final Battle

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Kei-Kei Yuki: Instead of starting with past events and making my way to future events like with the one I posted on I'm starting with the end of Sasuke and Naruko final battle and then onto the Boruto storyline. There will be flashbacks one-shots story on how certain couples got together and clearing up a few things. 

Though I must say, I am in need of some help. I not good with fighting scenes nor with coming up with jutsu. So if anyone out there wishes to offer me their assistance, that would be great! The same goes for SakuLee kids, KibaHina, and KakaIru. Just like this one, this story will contain fem!Harashima and Fem!Iruka.

Beta: Ana-DaughterofHades


Landmarks were destroyed, the sun sat on the horizon, and the tired, bloodied, and beaten down shinobi's lied resting next to each other, each sporting a missing arm. Before the final clash, each remembered the first time they ever took in the other's existence.

A little blonde girl was racing to meet Iruka at Ichiraku, when she paused, spotting a boy around her age sitting all by his himself. His presence emitted a strong familiar sense of loneliness. Naruko remembered standing there, just staring at the boy, and suddenly, she felt a connection to him. A small part of her wanted to reach out to that lonely little boy, but when he saw her, he frowned at her presence, causing her to retract her footsteps. Sticking her tongue out at the rude boy, she had continued on to her destination.

For Sasuke, it was after classes had finished at the academy and all the parents came to pick up their children. Sasuke was about to make his way home by himself when he spotted her. A lonely little girl, sitting on the swings. She watched as parents and siblings came and picked up the other children, while she had no one. Sasuke found himself lost in the depth of her eyes, a bright shade of blue whose beauty was outshined by the pain of loneliness that filled her heart.

"You know, when I first saw you, I thought you were a pretty girl." Despite not being able to lift a finger, Naruko still had the energy to tease him.

"... Dumbass." Sasuke briefly closed his eyes, missing the old days when they used to casually bicker and argue with each other. The days where she would break into his apartment, babbling her mouth off at him, taking over his kitchen, and afterward would drag him off to train together. Sasuke never understood Naruko's sudden interest to grow closer to him, shortly after they were assigned to the same team. When he had questioned her if she was growing feelings for him like Sakura, this earned him a hard kick in the balls and a black eye.

'Why the hell would I like a girly bastard like you?!' she angrily yelled at his face, eyes of disgust pointed at him. Sasuke was satisfied, able to confirm that she definitely had no stupid romantic affections for him, but that still left questions unanswered. Even after all this time, he still wondered what her motivation and intention of growing closer to him were. In the academy, Naruko wore her grudge and hatred towards him like a badge of honor.

"Ne, want to know why I suddenly appeared in your apartment that one day when we were still genin? Why I suddenly decided to grow closer to you, despite my strong feelings of distaste towards you?" Naruko always had this strange ability to be able to read his mind, so Sasuke wasn't shocked when she voiced his feelings out loud.

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