Just that guy

15 0 0

Hy I'm Laura but everybody calls me L and I'm 15 and half.Everything started on 5th May 2014 . My mother sayd to me that we are moving from Croatia and that we are going to live in Los Angeles. At some point i was sad but at another i was happy.


Me and my friend's were talking and they notice that I am wery sad,but i couldn't tell them about America.

Filip is the guy that i had a crush since a long time ago and for the first time he talked to me and it wasn't about school.

Filip: hey, L why are you so sad. I have never seen you like this .

Me: Weeeeeeel.... (i started crying and run away)

Everybody was stering to Filip 'cause they thought that he did something but he didn't

One day I didn't show in school but my friend's thaught that i was sick but then our teacher came in class and told everybody that I'm not going in this school anymore.

Filip thaught that i went because of him cause later that day he was angry at me for running away so everybody thaught he did something but he didn't.

at LAX...everything went wrong

When i checked my phone there was a looooot of miss calls and messages,and I was really sad for leaving my friends.And then the disaster... our luggage went missing,we had friends there that suposed to pick us up but they didn't ....

 We called taxi and he drove us to our new hous and there i recognize Ross Lynch and his fam sitting in their back yard. I was freaking out 'cause i'm going to be their neighbour. So me and my mom went to meet them. The weeks were passing and i became best friend with Lynch family so one day Ross asked me about my friends in Croatia and then i remembered that i had a looot of missed calls that I never saw from who are they so I asked Ross if he would like to go to my house so that I  can ask my mom something

''So I've been here over a few months now and I wonder can i please go to Croatia t osay hello to my friends cause i went without saying goodbye'' I said but i saw that my mothers face was like no way 

''You can't go alone, are you nuts'' and then Ross intervened ''well my family is going on a vacation and we didn't decited were are we going but I can ask my parents that we go to Croatia''...... everybody was quite since that and then my mother started ''Okay you can go only if Ross's family goes'' i was so damn happy that I kiss Ross by accident.We both blushed 

After a few days I went to Lynches hous to ask Ross about Croati. He dold me to go pack and I new that's good thing. I went to the door but somebody took my hand and pull me...It was Ross''we need to talk about yesterday'' he told that with very happy voice '' There's nothing to talk about i was just happy and it was a mistake i dont know you enough''I lied there was a lot to talk about i never felt this way i felt butterflyes when we kiss and since that day i feel so wierd,so happy but i dont think he feels the same.

TRIP TO EUROP ( CROATIA )                                                                                                                                We came at 8am. My friend had school afternoon so i taught it would be nice to see all classmates at once and come in school to suprise them.''L'' i heard somebody calls.. it was Ross ''We need to talk about kiss and there's no dening it'' Ross said almost yelling.''okay if it need's to be done.. listen i kissed you because i was happy and 'caus I lll....'' I wanted to tell him that i like him but i couldn't ''L what llll.. wait a minute you like me !!! ''  It's like he wasn't suprised at all '' you said it like it's a good thing and I'm younger than you'' I was kind of sad 'cause deep inside i really wanted to be with him ''L i kinda like you and when i first saw you i was thinking i wanna meet her and be friend with and every day that we spent together was awesom and I started feeling a little bit different...'' we both went silent 'till Rydel asked what is going on so Ross decited to tell her''well dear sister you know that i had feelings for Laura and about the kiss'' i interupted '' you told her about the kiss'' '' yes shes my sister ..so L just told me that she likes me to''  Ross was smiling the whole time i couldn't resist that smile so i began to smile too. '' Mum,dad Ross and L started dating'' Rydel yellt ''L will you go out with me'' Ross asked and I couldn't resist but to say ''yes'' and then he kissed my forehead. It was 2:15 pm so i decided to go say hello to y friends Ross asked me if he can come with me ''Well ofcourse you're my boyfriend now I want everybody to meet you'' i said and hugged him '' Oh are we an ithem now'' he said. We came into my school.My friends had class at that time but i didn't care about that so i just knocked on door of a classroom and when teacher said yes i came in and everybody was so happy that they stood up and came near me and we had a group hug and then Ross came into class and all of my friends started asking questions like ''Who is he'' '' Wher's he from''... and then i heard someone saying '' Why did you left .. is that 'cause of me .. i never wanted to hurt you''


I turned and saw Filip he almost started crying '' No i didn't left 'cause of you i was never mad at you I just needed to move in LA '' he was a little bit happier when he heard that '' to LA!!!'' everybody whas lika whoa did she just said LA ''yes LA and there i met Ross '' i was so happy to be with my friends and that i could tell them 'bout Ross ''Is Ross that guy over there .. he's cute ..is he taken'' my friend always want all juicy deats '' Hey L can i ask you something'' Filip asked ''yea sure'' i was concerned becaue of his tone. We went little bit further so that nobody can hear us '' L there's something that i wanted to tell you before you went but i was scared... you know L i really like you '' woah i meah woooooah that was really wierd like he is never scared ''I'm so sorry Filip but i have boyfriend and i liked you before but you never really cared about it so.'' he put his hand on my mouth and tryed to kiss me and the worst part was that Ross saw it and rush to us and punch Filip. Everybody was stareing to Ross when he hugged me and kiss me on the lips. ''Wait a minute you guys are dateing'' ''yes'' me and Ross said it together.Well first i needed to trainslate it to Ross 'cause we were talking on Croatin.


I forgot Filip for trying to kiss me and everything was back to normal. I explained to evrybody why i left and how i met Ross. We were in Croatia 5 full days and then we came back.



(I'm sorry for mistakes ...not the best in writting , well it's not my languge so i'm proud of my self)


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2014 ⏰

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