I'm in a supply room in a hospital. Me and a few of the other survivors came to get medical supplies. There's a thud on the door."What's that?" Clarissa squeaks.
The whole group shushes her. If it's an enemy group we need to leave ASAP, there's only 4 of us and we're not that heavily armed.
"Dunno, let's just get out of here,"
Everyone agrees, and hurriedly grabs the remaining supplies. The door thuds again, even louder this time.
"Let's go out the other door," I suggested, pointing to the one at the back.
I recieve mixed feedback on my suggestion, sure it would avoid finding out whats outside the usual door, but we've never gone out that way, meaning it could still be crawling with zombies.
"I think we should go that way too," Sean, the leader of this mission says. Eventually everyone agrees and we all creep out that door. This side of the hospital has dead bodies piled up in the corner, the stench is unbearable.
The whole group has finally made it down the hall, Sean peaks around the corner to see if the left path is clear. He doesn't look to the right, its dark.
I hear heavy exhales and uneven footsteps from the dark path. Shit that can only mean 1 thing, I turn and see a whole hoard of zombies coming my way. My heart stops, breathing stops, everything stops. "Run" I whisper to Clarissa whos in front of me.
"Wh-" she doesn't finish her sentence, she just takes off, pulling me along. The whole group follows, with the zombies hot on our trail.
Why am I at the back, damnit I hate being at the back.
We reach a crossroad, Sean goes left, he has the whole hospital layout memorised, I hope he's not wrong.
I'm running as fast as my legs can carry me, it still doesn't seem to be enough to lose the zombies. My legs are getting numb.
Don't fail me now legs.
I can see the exit, Seans holding the door open. Sam goes out then Clarissa and...
"AAAAHHHH," one of the rotting corpses got to Sam, Sean leaves to go help him, the door automatically shutting behind him.
Its okay, just stay calm and open the door, stay calm, push the handle down and ... push the handle down ... why is it not going down?
Is the stupid door jammed right now. I bang on the door to try and alert Sean or Clarissa but both of them are probably busy helping Sam.
It's okay the zombies haven't caught up yet I'll just go back to the crossroad .. or whatever it's called and take the right.
Yeah it is fine.
I sprint there and come face to face with the hoard, is this where it ends. I look around frantically, there's no other escape, I backtrack slowly untimately stopping myself.
There was no use, I'd just be backing myself up into a corner.
So here in this shabby hospital is where I'll go down.
It's okay, maybe now I can finally see mum again. I close my eyes and accept death as it approaches me.
A pair of hands grab me and pull me to the left. Okay anytime now, feel free to bite, just make it quick.
Why is there no biting. I open my eyes and look at the zombie whos holding onto me. Wait, this is not a zombie, are we .. in a supply closet.
The loud banging on the doors of the metal supply closet cause me to jump, I bite my tounge to hold back my yelp. The last thing we need is noise, they pick up on noises very quickly.
The Apocalypse
FanfictionWhat happens after the zombie apocalypse begins? survivors stick together and fend for themselves right, however it's not always that easy, a big group means that their in constant need of supplies. What makes matters worse is when you get separated...