Chapter 8

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It was Harvey and Charity............
"I can explain"Charity rushed
"I moved on but you?my best friend betrayed me?! How dare you even speak to me!"I shouted
It was going to be a nice day but anger
Anger has taken over me,NO.MORE.PLAYING.NICE.
"So your the reason Harvey broke up with me?"i chuckled
"I don't care about Harvey breaking up with me but you?i trusted you. Your not even worth it for a best friend"i said I walked out of the room as Jan followed me
We were at the gym it was 7:00, 30 mins. Before class starts I went to a corner and I cried soaking my dress I was angry I was sad I was happy I was... Depressed
I felt comforting hand on my back and I peeked to see who was it of course it was Jan
"Are you okay?"
I didn't say anything I just hugged him and wanted to feel warm and comforted
"Jan Cagara I Love you" I said
He kissed me on the forehead I was still sad but anger wasn't there
"I don't care about Harvey it's just that Charity betrayed me and even back stabbed me"i sighed
"Don't worry baby I will always be with you" Jan said in his sweetest voice we walked back to class umm.. He was the only one walking he was carrying me umm piggy back rides
I was sure am lucky having him
He was strong, intelligent, handsome and brave he would do anything for me. He was the perfect  bae. He settled me down and we went in I saw Mina and Lisa fighting Charity
Real friends
I calmed them down and I told Charity "you were my best friend,was a best friend, now your just nobody."
My heart didn't burden anger but it released it and forgave her and I will never open up to her.
"Just forget about it" Mina said glaring at Charity you know what? I'm not even gonna say her name
"She's just a jerk"Lisa said doing the same thing like Mina
I was really lucky for having a
Handsome boyfriend
Supporting friends
I felt love, I was loved, I am being loved

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