- chapter 1 : BBB -

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"I remembered the first time I had sex, I kept the receipt" - Groucho Marx


Waking up in a different bed each morning isn't for the faint hearted, neither is seeing who you are sharing it with, however with so much danger consisting with this type of thing I'm still laying here listening to subtle ticking off a cat clock.

My god it's annoying.

I rubbed my eyes and look up to see what time it is hoping I haven't over slept.

5 am. Good.

I groan, soon ill have to leave. however I guess I can kill 30 minuets.

I gently turn to see who is beside me, trying not to wake them, and I'm no longer shocked or surprised with what I see.

He's middle aged, at least 40, probably married, hasn't shaved for a week as stubble thickly blankets his chin and jaw. A few grey hair cling around his nose and higher, jet black hair receding by the day with grease and sweat lacing in between not forgetting the tumbling drool sliding down his gawping mouth. he's breathing heavily.

Makes me sick.

His repugnant smell consisting of nicotine, alcohol and sex radiates off the sheets and parts of his exposed body. I grimace.

"this is a new low" I mumble Tracing his features with my eyes.

I sigh. rolling back over as I do so

Heaving the covers up to cover my exposed chest I gaze out of the cracked window, however I couldn't see much due to the mould clustered amongst the glass panels.

I trail my eye over the cracks and clusters trying to form a picture in my eyes. However my gazing is short lived as I'm distracted as my company begins to stir.

I hitch my breath not wanting to wake him.

He stops wrestling with the covers and relaxes once again. I breath out reluctantly

And there is my cue to leave.

I swiftly swing my legs over the bed side trying not to cause a dip, I begin to scan the room trying to locate each piece of my clothing. Hopefully I can collect them in one swift move.

My eyes catch my first item

Undergarments on a brown lazy boy, mini skirt draped over the hanging mirror, mesh top creased in a heap on the grimy wardrobe handle.

"Check, check and check" I whisper

I swiftly got up and instantly feel the cold draft weave through my naked body, I restrain any gasps or yelps as I cannot afford to wake him up as that will end up being another  three monotonous hours. Grabbing hold of my undergarments  of the lazy boy I slip into them wasting no time I carefully tip toe to the mirror to locate my mini skirt.

However putting it on was a struggle.

I felt my stomach growl.
I look down. "Shhhhhsh will you be silent for once"

Did I just shush my stomach?

I looked 9 months pregnant.

must of been that truck food I consumed though it was vile I was desperate.

Once on I waddle over to the wardrobe and snatch my top off the handle, however when doing so it led the door to fly right open causing a loud creak.


I instantly cower but nothing happens.

I turn to see him switch positions now hugging a pillow, probably assuming it was me.

Memories of last night flash past me and the thoughts of his alcoholic breath tracing my skin whilst I had to fake the pleasure he was trying to give me. A shiver runs through my spine.

Luckily he didn't last long.

Most of them don't.

I turned back to the now exposed wardrobe and A smirk comes creeping up my face


There were t shirts, jumpers, socks, shoes, hats and coats. I just smile in awe

I'll only take a few items just to get me by.

Pushing through the wrack I spot a black hoodie and a cute red bobble hat.

"I'll take it" I say smiling

Once in my hand, I whip the black hoodie over my reviling top and make an exit to the door.

Speed walking, I instant stop as I seen what I've come here for.

His trousers.

Well not his specifically his trousers but what's more importantly inside.


I rip them off the floor and raid through his pockets hoping that his wallet was in here and that last night wasn't all for nothing.

Feeling a lump, a huge wave of relief washes over me, I yank it out and open it up to see 50 pounds in cash begging to be taken and his ID.

Before I take it I glance up to see if he was still out cold and sure enough he was and now snoring deeply.

"Thank you very much....."

I look at his ID examining.

Bruce Barn Boyle.

Ah he's 51 I was close.

"Well thank you Bruce, your extremely generous"

I smirk ripping the notes out of it shell not forgetting to put the wallet back in his pocket because that would just be careless.

And for how long I've been doing things you can't afford to be careless.

If you are , your dead.

That's as blunt as it gets.

I blow him a kiss. "Hope to see you again greasy B, come again" I whisper

I quietly open the door and sprint out of this building.

I finally breath out loud finally feeling relaxed. fresh air filling my lungs, god it feels good.

Luckily it is still dark and I can make my way back home, hopefully I won't be late for uni however I need to drop all this contraband at home.

I sigh

"Right better start walking" I say turning left onto the road.

Hey wasssssuuuuupppppp :3
I would like to say thank you for clicking this book and I hope you won't regret it, in fact I hope u love it.
Please comment if you like it or not, or to just tell me something random.
Or just make me laugh :))))) so you guys can get too know me I'll be telling you a fact about me every chapter so I hope you enjoyyyyyy
Ciao bella
Fact one: I prefer cats to humankind ;)

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