- chapter 2 : junior -

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"The truth is, everyone is going to hurt you. You just have to find the ones worth suffering for"- Bob Marley


By now the sun was rising, and I could tell that it was at least 7 am. Luckily for me I was at the corner to where I live.

I look up and smile at the sign

' westveiw corner'

It's not hogwarts but it's home I guess.

I quickly jogged over to the dingy green door hoping to be engulfed in heat as the bitter outside was nipping on my now numb fingers and ears. However I then remember this place hasn't seen central heating since 1965.

Yet neither has a hoover or a mop.

My hand hovers above the door and pauses, I take a deep breath and knocked on it harshly hoping the Tennant is awake .

Otherwise I'm in a sticky situation. 

The Tennant here is known as junior, god knows what his real name is.

I'm my eyes he look like a Dave or a Pete but my guesses are as good as yours.

However him and I don't get on.

He's the type of Tennant where you hope the chocolate chips in his cookies turn out to be raisins.

I knocked again, but there was no response.

'Shit' I mumble, steam pouring out of my mouth due to the frosty atmosphere, how else am I going to get in.

On West High Corner, there is a block of flats rising 8 stories high. I live on the 6th floor. So it's not as if I can scour a building like Spider-Bitch as I would either break a window or break myself.

However I can see my window is open.

Thank Jesus

But it was short lived as I begin to hear deep moans echoing out of the window clashing with the cool atmosphere.

Are your being serious Lia? This early in the morning?

I even stop breathing to make sure I'm not hearing things, but nope all I hear is

'uuuurrrrrrr '

I scrunch my face, cringing.

he sounds like he's taking a shit,  not receiving oral sex

But Seriously? On a Monday morning as well?

I roll my eyes, the girls got stamina I hand that to her.

As standing was becoming more effort by the second, I decided to wait for them to finish by sitting down on the corner.

My legs extend onto road whilst the bundle of clothing is crumpled next to me, my fingers into twine with each other. I look around the familia buildings that are clustered together old, rundown and dirty just like the men who come here.

This is Lakeside.

What a boring name.

I sigh out loud whilst running my finder through my hair.

How did this become my life?

Another 5 minutes goes buy until there is silence.

Suddenly the door swings open revealing a very sweaty, scrawny man running with a face of panic out of the fragile door causing it to nearly fly off its hinges.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2019 ⏰

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