Chat 2

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Snape has updated his status: I have SWAGGER!!

Hermione Granger: No u r just limping!!! lol

Snape: Listen 2 my song "Hop outa bed gotta turn on my swagger Oh wait- it was never turnned off."xD

Harry Potter:no comment

Voldemort: OMG Severus that song was sooooo AMAZING!!! Next time we have a meeting u can sit by me!!!

Draco Malfoy: OMG Professor Snape u r sooo lucky!!

Hermione Granger:o.O no comment

Ron Weasly: OMG I LUV THAT SONG!!!! xD

Snape: 1000000000 points 2 Gryffondor xD

Luna Lovegood has updated her status:Hey u guys!! i m like lovin this site!!

Ginny Weasly: It took u long enough.

Luna Lovegood: >:(

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